
Just Do It

Ever want something to become a reality in your life, but you’re not sure how to make it happen? Maybe you want to be a millionaire, or you want to travel, or maybe you’ve always wanted to be sitting around a comfortable table with a gathering of friends, eating cheese and sipping wine. No prettyRead… Read more »

C’mon…Practice Some Self Control!

I know you’ve been there, (I have too). You get to work, check your email and see that a friend/cousin/mailman uploaded some photos, tweeted, or did some other thing that really isn’t that important. But what do you do? You click and then an hour later you are left scratching your head about what broughtRead… Read more »

Business Watch: One Chinese Company Dominating the Online Markets

For many years now, China has been known for its advancements — and investment — in technology. It’s no surprise Internet marketing is a rapidly growing field in the country. In fact, it’s growing so quickly there are not enough trained professionals to fill the available jobs. Baidu, a Chinese-based Web company, identified this deficitRead… Read more »

Phone Screening Interviews

Patra’s advice for acing a phone screening interview — treat it as a “real” interview! The phone screen interview may be your first exposure to a recruiter who can be your internal champion in the job search process. Make a good impression and be prepared. If the recruiter calls and you’re not prepared, reschedule. ThenRead… Read more »

The Power of Visualization: A Case Study

In an earlier post I briefly mentioned how important it is to practice visualization to succeed. Today I want to give you an example of how you can train your employees to do this. I tried this recently with five of our departing summer interns on the last days of their internships, and it wasRead… Read more »