
Rainmaker 16 – LinkedIn: Your Personal Publicist

Do you show up at your best for other 175 million LinkedIn members?Many posts have been written about developing your profile and contact information for the ‘yellow pages’ of the professional community – the top part of your LinkedIn page. While this is important and you must build a strong profile and history, it isRead… Read more »

What Does It Mean to Disconnect?

By AdamElkus Are we too connected to our gadgets? Many journalists and social thinkers seem to think so. Are we all too fixated on emailing, tweeting, just plain staring at our screens to participate in the world around us? The answer may be more complex than that, but you won’t find it in posts likeRead… Read more »

Lean into it

Last week a pair of public servants published a couple of thought provoking blog posts; it was a conversation I felt I needed to get in on. =========================== Kent, It’s perfectly natural to question the path your on; I do it all the time. I can’t speak to your political views online (you probably shouldn’tRead… Read more »

State of IT Skills — From Myth to Reality

We are all acutely aware that the US is graduating fewer students with degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). For example, in 2009, the U.S. graduated 37,994 students with bachelor’s degrees in computer and information science — fewer than 25 years ago. What does that mean for the public sector? With set budgetsRead… Read more »

How Do I Fit In?

“Do you have any advice for how I can build those skills?” asked a wonderfully talented and intelligent young man earlier this week. “… relating to people. I’m more of a quiet and independent person. I’m not the life of the party.” I raised my eyebrow and struggled to hold back the surprise I feltRead… Read more »

When Government and the Private Sector Compete, Can Government Win?

All too often, the public assumes that government, when going toe-to-toe with the private sector, always loses. Even when we trumpet major successes of government (e.g. moon shot, arpanet), the public snickers and points to the private sector government contractors who supported these initiatives. Now for the ask! Nineteen organizations have been identified as finalistsRead… Read more »

Do At Least One Thing…

Your morning starts with the usual goals for the day: Get project ‘A’ started, move project ‘B’ one step down the road, call Fred about the problem that came up yesterday, and so on. All of these are important goals; important in the sense that they directly relate to your job, and the work thatRead… Read more »