
Be an Office Nomad, It Pays Dividends

I had something else planned for today but I scrapped it in favour of simply sharing the following quotation from a Forbes article I read, its probably the most important thing I’ve read in a couple of weeks: On the people front, the behavior of leaders matters—big time. In our initial study on disruptive innovatorsRead… Read more »

FEMA Corps Unveiled – Opportunities in Emergency Management

The Federal Emergency Management Agency recently announced the induction of its inaugural class of the newly developed FEMA Corps. The ceremony was held in Vicksburg, Mississippi, honoring some 240 enrollees into the emergency management program. The aim is to establish a 1,600 person workforce that will supplement existing institutions and personnel in disaster preparedness, response,Read… Read more »

Application Programming Interface (or API)…What the What?

Take advantage of FREE knowledge and register for Digital Government University’s webinar airing today (Wednesday, the 19th) from 2:30-3:30 on some awesome case studies on how API’s are used to improve government. If this sounds intimidating, don’t fret. You can start from the beginning with Dig Gov U and learn what exactly an API isRead… Read more »

Supporting Women in the Federal Workforce: FEW Represents the Many

Recently in the news, there has been a significant amount of buzz around the importance of women in the upcoming election. With many women’s issues hotly debated between candidates at the federal, state, and local level, women have been highlighted as a key voting block to influence election outcomes this November. Long before the mediaRead… Read more »

What’s Your Type? The MBTI Way of Understanding Each Other in the Workplace

I spent this Saturday in a 5 hour session all about the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and how to translate an understanding about personality types into a tool to help navigate the workplace. If you’re not familiar with the assessment, it’s a quick quiz that determines your personality type along 4 trait dichotomies. In anRead… Read more »

The Most Important Skill

It can be draining to be around bad listeners. But I meet them all the time, of all ages. If I had to say one thing that I think they all had in common, it would be untapped potential. It’s gotten to the point where every time I see someone who doesn’t appear to beRead… Read more »

How to Advance Your Tech Career — Simple Steps

On September 13th, GovLoop hosted our first ever virtual show, the Government Innovator’s Online Summit. The virtual conference brought together nearly 1300 government innovators, and provided five trainings throughout the day. Participants had the opportunity to virtually network, download resources and attend free online trainings to help them do their job better. Topics for theRead… Read more »

Get More Benefits of Professional Community: Crowdsource

To get everything you want from your professional life, it helps to look beyond your job. Not many employers will satisfy all your desires for being on a track to promotion, having stimulating work and colleagues, and doing work that makes the world better. Government workers might have approached that in the heyday of theRead… Read more »

Thinking Strategically About Your Network: The Informational Interview (Part I)

Informational interviews have been a hot topic as of late, with many posts providing great tips and advice to ensure success. For such a widely discussed tool, it is surprising how few people actually request informational interviews. After having several discussions on the topic, I have a few theories about why this is the case,Read… Read more »