
Millennials: Possibly Our Greatest Hope

Jobs are hard for Millennials to find. The more specific the search, the harder it is to find something. If you’re a Millennial, maybe you have a degree. Maybe you have several degrees. Maybe you thought that after working for a few years that you might qualify for something you really wanted to do. ButRead… Read more »

Social Mentoring: From Telemachus to Telecommuters

This afternoon, I’m leading a webinar entitled “Using Social Learning to Mentor Agency Professionals” through an invitation from ASTD Government and The Public Manager. My slides are below. In brief, I suggest that mentoring involves three basic elements (and has since the word first appeared in Homer’s Odyssey): 1) Advice 2) Admonition 3) Assistance WhileRead… Read more »

Dating data

I’m a proponent of online dating when it comes up around the office. It really helps those workaholics I know avoid dating within the workplace, which in my opinion is rarely a good idea. And meeting new people is fun. A side benefit of online dating is all of the data that it gives toRead… Read more »

How to be a Boss: Are You a Good Boss or a Bad Boss?

Sounds a little bit like the Wizard of Oz, we know. Similar to that classic story – what type of boss you are can determine if your people respond to you more like Munchkins or Monkey Soldiers. While we were writing this blog with our marketing partner, Preactive Marketing, we found something interesting while weRead… Read more »

Campaigning for the future — Samuel Lovett takes on Rhode Island

It’s election season and like many American’s I am tired of all the nasty campaign ads splattered across my TV. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of slinging mud and focusing on non-issues. It gets so bad sometimes that its hard to focus on the real issues. But then you meet someone — someone likeRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: What kind of Work you Want May Dictate Where you Live

Eric Erickson is giving Julie a break from blogging. He is Julie’s communication colleague from Atlanta, one of the best cities to find a job in the federal government. They say everything is bigger in Texas – and that includes the job market. Earlier this year, Forbes released its list of the best cities forRead… Read more »