
Arguing with the boss

I don’t enjoy arguing with the boss. But, sometimes you have to. The Wall Street Journal‘s Joann Lublin seems to agree: Knowing how to disagree agreeably with higher-ups increases your chances for advancement, career coaches, management consultants and recruiters say. Original post

Helping Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

There are many resources available for veterans to help them transition back into civilian life. The Department of Defense Office of Warrior Care Policy has dozens of resources designed to help veterans returning from war. One post in particular, Wounded warriors and families encouraged to keep minds and bodies strong, utilize health resources states: “WithRead… Read more »

How to work with people you dislike

Ordered from the worst option to the best option: Don’t work with them. If all else fails, try finding another project or another job. Limit your work relationship. Focus on the work and be extra careful in your communications to make sure your dislike does not show, and that your work still gets done. Finally,Read… Read more »

Times are changing for Chief Human Capital Officers and a 6 part guide to turning around under-performing teams

On today’s program Times are changing — and that is true for chief human capital officers. What are the challenges ahead? Click here for the full recap. And everybody has been there — where you feel like nothing is going right. How can you take your organization from so-so to WOW!? We’ll talk to theRead… Read more »

Bracing for change — Chief Human Capital Officers

Chief human capital officers (CHCOs) have a very difficult job — a job that is only getting harder. Budgets are declining. Workloads are increasing. An aging workforce. Increased turnover and outdated or inadequate human resources (HR) systems and policies are adding additional hurdles, making their jobs more challenging than they have been in decades. TheseRead… Read more »