
Like, Um, Ah – What Are the Worst Speaking Tics? Do You Know If You Have One?

Some people say “like” and “you know” so often that you want to strangle them. Others say “um” often and enthusiastically. Some people swallow nervously and spasmodically. Some people let their voice swing up in pitch at the end of every sentence as if they were always asking questions. For some, it’s happy feet –Read… Read more »

What Happened To The Management Pyramid?

The traditional management pyramid became popular after WWII, showing one guy at the top and a majority of people at the bottom. There were successive layers of fewer people going up, and business types thought their career was moving up the pyramid. I don’t think I got the memo that said that the likelihood ofRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Prepping for NextGen

Are you excited for Next Generation of Government Training Summit next week? Honestly, this is my favorite 2 days of the year. 500+ government leaders, 100+ speakers, 40+ sessions. There’s a lot going on – so how do you make the most of your time at NextGen both for you personally and to bring backRead… Read more »

Partial Retirement — Can’t just spend your days golfing?

A new phased retirement option has been approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama. The Federal Employee Phased Retirement Act represents a significant change in how federal employees and agencies will plan for retirement. Employees can now take phased retirement for a few years at the end of a career. Steve LoseyRead… Read more »

Student Loan Repayment Boosts Federal Workforce

Turns out, paying back student loans can result in more and better candidates for job openings within the federal workforce and better retention and satisfaction once they’re hired. As the No. 1 federal department in helping employees pay back their student loans, the Department of Defense cities the program designed for doing so as aRead… Read more »

Intellectual Ergonomics: “Thought Breaks”

According to comedian John Cleese, the only way to be truly creative is to have “boundaries of space, and boundaries of time.” He argues that in a frenetic, multi-tasking world, innovation can only take place in an environment where the unconscious is allowed to explore thoughts without fear of interruptions. This downtime has helped himRead… Read more »

Does Your Job Have the Correct Security Clearance Designation

According to a new GAO report, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has not provided federal agencies with clearly defined policy guidance for determining whether positions require security clearances. Without this guidance, many agencies use an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) position designation tool that provides inconsistent designations. In April 2012 OPM audited positions withinRead… Read more »