
Navigating the Miserable Workplace

I was reading Deb Green’s post, Preventing the Miserable Workplace — that was miraculously trending on the GovLoop homepage this morning, four months after its original publish date — and it reminded me of a conversation I had with a fed employee friend who is unequivocally unhappy with his workplace. Deb’s post is about howRead… Read more »

Submit a Resume or Get Engaged

I’m surrounded by young people this week. Many of them are holding temporary assignments while they either figure out what they want to do or get a phone call with the right job offer. They’re in USAJobs, applying for jobs, and they are busy comparing and submitting their resumes. “I’m getting good feedback about myRead… Read more »

Military Service to Civilian Success: Translate Achievements

A resume is an advertisement for what you offer an employer. Far too many people don’t understand this. How do you show what you offer an employer when your experience and success has come in the military environment? Focus on your achievements! The smartest thing you can do on your resume is to demonstrate yourRead… Read more »

Career Opportunity at New World Systems

Solution Architect – Human Resources Position The Solution Architect role is similar to a Business Analyst (BA) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) position in other organizations. The Solution Architect is tasked with being a leader in understanding New World Systems’ solutions and will have significant responsibilities towards defining the vision for our Human Resources productsRead… Read more »

Introducing the New Data Science Group

“The amount of data in our world has been exploding, and analyzing large data sets—so-called big data—will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus, according to research by MGI and McKinsey’s Business Technology Office. Leaders in every sector will have to grapple with the implications ofRead… Read more »

Telework: Planned, Unplanned, Whatever

Our recent June 29th derecho event, featuring lightening, thunder, rain, wind, trees falling, and power lines failing, has provided yet another opportunity for people in the Washington, DC area to experience what the Federal government calls “unplanned telework.” As it did when our area suffered through snowstorms and earthquakes, the government provided employees with theRead… Read more »

Happy 4th of July! Brief Reflection on The Four Freedoms

Happy 4th of July to the GovLoop Community! Last night I was reading a little bit about Norman Rockwell, I was feeling patriotic due to the holiday and decide to read a bit about some of his work. Just doing some Googling on Mr. Rockwell I was reminded of his series of paintings, The FourRead… Read more »