
5 Ways for a Government Worker to Improve Fitness

As a NYC government employee I’ve sometimes likened myself to the Dark Knight – spending his days trying to help Gotham and its citizens improve its services and save loads of money all the while looking like and feeling fit like a superhero (except for the skin tight rubber suit). But sometimes it’s hard forRead… Read more »

FEW’s 43rd National Training Program

Are you planning to attend the Federally Employed Women (FEW) National Training Program July 16-20, 2012, in Detroit? It’s an awesome event! for more info, visit! I hope to see you there! Sue Webster, National President, FEW

Why do we struggle with Workforce Planning?

To answer this question, I checked in with my former colleague and friend, Dr. Barbara Male. Dr. Male retired from the federal government in April 2008 after 25 years of federal service, most recently serving as a Deputy Assistant Secretary with the Department of Energy’s Office of Environmental Management (EM). She was a career memberRead… Read more »

If You Can’t Measure Your Skills, Neither Can a Potential Employer

When it comes to a job search, being able to quantify your skills is one of the biggest elements. Having viewed a lot of resumes at one of the biggest issues is seeing a resume and having no idea the kind of position an applicant is applying for. Being specific, direct, and making yourRead… Read more »

Digitizing medical records in a disaster and has cybersecurity morphed into cyberwar?

On today’s DorobekINSIDER When disaster strikes and you need medical attention, Dr. H. Allen Dobbs is the man to call. He revolutionized the world of disaster medicine. And for his work he has been nominated for a Service to America Medal. Click here for the full story. Has the cybersecurity conversation morphed into a conversationRead… Read more »

Getting medical info digitally in a disaster — how one SAMMIES finalist made it happen

When disasters strike — think hurricanes, wildfires or terrorists attacks– and you are in need of medical care, Dr. Herman Allen Dobbs is the guy to call. As the Chief Medical officer for the National Disaster Medical Systems at the Department of Health and Human Services, Dobbs worked to significantly improve the way disaster victimsRead… Read more »

Jobs with High Lifetime Earnings

Would you choose a career that you did not really love over one you were deeply passionate about and still earned a good living? If you had to pick one job that would ensure you earned the most money possible in your lifetime, which one would you choose? What are your thoughts on this article?Read… Read more »

CFPB Design + Technology Fellows: Changing the way the Government does Tech

The mission of the CFPB is to make markets for consumer financial products and services work for Americans. Technology and innovation are essential to our ability to achieve our consumer protection mission. That’s why we’re launching a first of its kind technology hiring initiative – the Design+Technology Fellows program. The CFPB Design+Technology Fellowship is aRead… Read more »