
TSA destined to fail? Insights from former administrator Kip Hawley and why workplace culture is essential

 On today’s program for Monday May 21st, 2012
 The TSA is up against an almost impossible task — protecting more than 2 million travelers each day — but are they up for the task? We talk to the former TSA administrator Kip Hawley. To get the best talent — you need to match google,Read… Read more »

Is TSA mission impossible? Insights from their former administrator Kip Hawley

Since 2001 the Transportation Security Administration has had an almost impossible job — protect the 2 million people who fly in an out of US airports.
 But how effective is this beleaguered agency, and is it really keeping us safe from terrorism?
 Kip Hawley is the former TSA administrator and the author of a newRead… Read more »


I taught 9 classes in Bahrain to US Navy Sailors a few weeks ago. We discovered these 9 major problems with applying for a federal job online over and over again! If you have other problems with the automated application systems, please write comments here. I will forward your suggestions to our USAJOBS point ofRead… Read more »

How one Fed gets Americans out of danger overseas, Keeping your career morale and how Canada’s improving political dialogue

 On the program today for Thursday May 17, 2012

 When times are tough — there is a terrible situation overseas… Egypt, Syria, Haiti — we’re going to talk to the person who helps Americans get out of danger… and she is a SAMMIES finalist.
 Keeping your morale up as you focus on your careerRead… Read more »

How to Use LinkedIn for Job Search Without Tipping Off Your Current Employer

Many professionals overlook LinkedIn as a career development and business networking tool, only using the site when they need a job. This presents a challenge when you ultimately do need a network for your job search. Rather than being able to tap a very well-established network, you have to ramp up quickly. Networking is aRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Travel and Meeting Controls Placed on Government Agencies

Government travel and conferences will likely take a slowdown as new controls have been placed to curb spending in the wake of the GSA conference scandal. Jeffrey D. Zients, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget sent out a memo to government officials and wrote up a blog post outlining these new controlsRead… Read more »

Young Government Leaders Survey

YGL’s The Economy and Tomorrow’s Leaders Survey! Our country has faced difficult economic conditions during the last several years. Those recently entering the workforce have been hit especially hard. Many existing studies focus on the struggles of unemployed youth. Most of YGL’s membership are currently employed, but may have still felt the impact of theRead… Read more »

Are New Controls on Conferences and Travel an Overreaction?

Government trainings are important. They provide valuable skills to government employees so that they can better do their jobs. However, since the GSA conference scandal, it’s been more difficult than ever for federal workers to justify conferences and trainings. Some of these controls are good, but some may be detrimental to the good work governmentRead… Read more »