
5 Tips for Transitioning Government and Military When Emailing Your Resume to a Recruiter

Have you ever emailed your resume to a recruiter and simply said something along the lines of “Here’s my resume. Let me know what you have for me.” Recruiters see hundreds of resumes from job seekers each week. The more specific and helpful you can be when communicating with a recruiter, the better your resultsRead… Read more »

So You Survived The Job Cuts – A Survivor’s Guide

What a rough past month it has been for public servants from across Canada. All told, around 12,000 notices have gone out to public servants represented by the Public Service Commission. Personally, I am unaffected by the recent job cuts. During these tough times, it is hard to not feel survivor’s guilt as the processRead… Read more »

GSA’s Sustainability in Procurement Fellows (SPF) Program

Applications and Project submissions are now being accepted for Cohort 4 of GSA’s Sustainability in Procurement (SPF) Program. The SPF program is a professional development program that provides federal employees in-depth training on sustainability. The fellowship covers regulatory requirements, industry trends, systems thinking concepts, and provides hands on sustainability project experience. As part of theRead… Read more »

Showing Appreciation for Our Public Servants

This week we have been celebrating Public Service Recognition Week. And this year, it seems more important than ever that we highlight public servants who are doing great work. In recent weeks, we have all seen a bombast of news stories about wasteful spending at the General Services Administration (GSA), corruption at the Transportation SecurityRead… Read more »

Government Adoption of Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails has quickly become the default web app development framework among the “hacker” and startup community since first releasing in 2004. Why? Because Rails was designed from the ground-up with programmer productivity in mind. It uses a variant of the Model/View/Controller architecture pattern to organize application programming. In addition to the MVC-based arch,Read… Read more »

How to succeed as a political appointee, Harnessing the power of big data, Ranking local gov’t social media sites

 On today’s program for Thursday May 10th, 2012

 How to 
succeed in government leadership — and yes, that includes political leadership. We’ll talk to Paul Lawrence, one of the authors of the new book, Paths to Making a Difference: Leading in Government. Big data — it’s the latest buzz word floating around government. ButRead… Read more »

Political appointees — A guide to ward off pitfalls and challenges

The November elections are quickly approaching, and no matter who wins, the next term means a whole new crop of political appointees will be joining government.
 The challenges facing those appointees are vast — especially in the first two years.
 Paul Lawrence is a Principal at Ernst and Young. In his new book,
 Paths toRead… Read more »

The 3 V’s of big data — What are they and how do they impact you?

Big data it’s the new buzz word taking over government. But what is it? How should you prepare your agency to harness its powers?
 Thor Olavsrud is a senior writer at CIO. He’s outlined the role of big data with Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program.

 Olavsrud says there are 3 V’s to bidRead… Read more »