
Telework: More Work is Needed

The Federal Government touts its telework program as being a great benefit to employees. But is it a benefit that people can use? And, if they can’t use it, is it a benefit? In 2011, Jody Thompson, co-creator of the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), was a speaker at sessions with HR representatives from the VeteransRead… Read more »

How to recognize IDIQs and Task Order patterns and use them to your advantage

IDIQs are now one of the most used form of government procurement, and if your company is not on any of those vehicles you might be missing a significant increase in your revenue. One major difficulty with IDIQ contracts is that even if you got on the “bus” (an IDIQ vehicle) you’ll still need toRead… Read more »

Imagine going without the internet, the Interior Dept. did it, the Federal Register gets easier to use and the SBA launches new apps and e-learning

Interior Dept. Transforms IT, Federal Register gets easier to use and how the SBA is pitching in by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Monday April 30th, 2012: Imagine going without the Internet — at all. That is what the Interior Department had to do… for years. The agency has a new IT strategy —Read… Read more »

Your TED Talk – Speak at Next Generation Training Summit

Are you working on an innovative project at your agency? Got a great idea to revolutionize government? Then you should enter to become one of our three lightning speakers at the 2012 Next Generation of Government Training Summit – the leading training event for Gen X/Y government leaders, hosted by GovLoop and YGL. This isRead… Read more »

TSP Weekly Wrap-Up – 04/28/12

The stock market got off to a slow start last week, but by Wednesday morning, after Apple had reported its strong earnings, the indices caught fire closing in positive territory for the second week in a row after the early April pullback. It was all green for the TSP funds for the 2nd week inRead… Read more »

USDA’s Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge

Just heard about this funding opportunity in Everyday Democracy‘s e-newsletter… EvDem introduced it like this in their newsletter: If you’re looking for funds to improve rural communities’ capacity to undertake projects related to housing, community facilities, or economic and community development, check out the Rural Jobs and Innovation Accelerator Challenge. Here’s some text from theRead… Read more »

Are inter-disciplinary employees welcome in gov’t?

One of the hallmarks of the new generation of public servants is that they aren’t easily explained. They aren’t one track, one sector, one agency, or one job series. They aren’t one desk, one computer, one stapler, one Skillcraft notepad. They often bring a wealth of diverse experience, multiple advanced degrees in different disciplines, andRead… Read more »