
Recruiting for Culture

Recruiting has been interesting for Human Resources professionals over the past two to three years. It has definitely been an employer’s market. So many organizations have downsized, leaving a significant number of quality candidates in the job market. This economy has been tough, but I am a believer that it is turning around. With thatRead… Read more »

Making the Most out of Temporary Assignments

You’re given a temporary assignment. Maybe you’re an intern or a fellow. Maybe you’re a new employee who’s been given a wonderful opportunity to rotate through various departments – hopefully making you a well rounded employee down the road. I had the pleasure of talking with one of my coaching students this morning who isRead… Read more »

The Fundamentals of Government Procurement: Part II

April’s blog posts are dedicated to the fundamental “blocking and tackling” of our procurement system. Given recent events, this week I am going to focus on the vital importance of nurturing and maintaining a highly qualified, professional acquisition workforce. I believe in the professionalism and dedication of our acquisition community and am proud to beRead… Read more »

FAILFaire: Embracing, Celebrating, and Learning from Failure in Government – May 7

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. – Theodore Roosevelt But all too often in government, another famous sayingRead… Read more »

Government Conference Facilities?

What if the government had its own conference facilities? Arguable the military already does, if conference organizers utilize their service academy facilities. But what about civilian agencies? Check out the National Conservation Training Center in West Virginia, it’s amazing and a short drive from Washington, DC. Could that be used by other agencies? What otherRead… Read more »