
Telework — Managing Your Boundaries

As we start the Second Annual Telework Week today, it’s a good time to think about boundaries and the challenge of how we create a boundary between the professional and the personal when we work at home. The most obvious boundary can be created by the space in which we work. A home office, forRead… Read more »

The First Cut is the Deepest? Maybe so for the DoD…

“The first cut is the deepest.” It’s a line from a Sheryl Crowe song, but it might as well be the tagline for the Defense Department. The Pentagon is facing a pretty austere environment over the next 10 years if sequestration goes through. The DoD will need to cut roughly 10% in the next 10Read… Read more »

CAP Goals – A New Government Acronym Is Born (Part 1)

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek The FY 2013 budget includes a new acronym, “CAP Goals,” which stands for Cross-Agency Priority Goals. These goals stem from a new statutory requirement that the Office of Management and Budget identify and manage a small handful of cross-agency priority goals, covering both mission and mission-support functions. OMBRead… Read more »

Video: Three Ways To Prepare For Your PMP Exam

Once you have set the career goal of taking the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam you have to decide on your study approach. Your choice will depend on how much self-motivation you have, the schedule you set and (of course) your budget. This video explores the three options that lie before you. {youtube}hTYwKBK42as|640|360{/youtube} Original post

6 Words & 4 Reasons I’m Excited about Introducing DorobekInsider

I’m excited to introduce our GovLoop Insights Dorobek Daily radio show launching today at noon. DoD Cuts, Leadership Challenges and More – DorobekINISIDER, episode 1 by GovLoop Insights For those that have been paying attention, this is an extension of our weekly Insights podcast we’ve been conducting for the past few months at EveryRead… Read more »

Don’t Bring Doughnuts to Work, Bring JUICE–Part 1

J-Joy; U-Unity; I-Integrity, Inspiration; C- commitment, courage; E-Empathy = JUICE If you are concerned because your office is receiving an increasing numbers of EEO complaints and there is general employee dissatisfaction throughout your agency, you are not alone. Many public and private organizations are experiencing the same phenomena. With the graying of the workforce, theRead… Read more »

Federal Hiring — Want to vent?

The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) recently announced that only 2.3% of 35,000 college students surveyed are interested in pursuing federal employment. Looking beyond myopic political rhetoric, my sense is the main causes for this is the government itself. The competitive hiring process is frustrating, exasperating, and difficult to manage even with recentRead… Read more »