
How to Brainstorm with Visual Aids

I see immeasurable value in focusing ideas, presenting succinctly, ensuring your visual aids are perfect for a 15 second viewing. This may seem an odd way to use visual aids, but you would be surprised at how effective it can be to brainstorm or even discover new ideas lurking in the audience. I discovered IgniteRead… Read more »

GovBytes: What do Snoop Dogg and the West Virginia Chief Information Security Officer Have in Common?

According to an article in GovTech, they are both rappers. After West Virginia’s Office of Security and Controls won NASCIO’s 2011 recognition award for the “Risk Management Initiatives” category, West Virginia’s chief information security officer, Jim Richards III, submitted a video to NASCIO about the agency’s IT projects to be shown at the association’s awardsRead… Read more »

Partisanship is Killing Our Neighborhoods

Originally posted at Local Sid: Partisanship is Killing Our Neighborhoods My dear friend, Chuck Marohn, was on a radio show in Wisconsin this week called Koeping with Government. First let me say this. I think while Chuck has no doubt done some great things for the communities he has worked for, his greatest achievements —Read… Read more »

ACC featured job vacancies this week

ACC Is Now Hiring a Chief Technology Officer at $98,265 to $127,743 in Huntsville, AL As the Chief Technology Officer (CTO), you will be accountable to the CIO/G6 for the efficient acquisition and operation of all information technology systems and advise the CIO/G6 on information technology issues. Responsibilities include technical planning, directing, reviewing, coordinating andRead… Read more »

Virtual Reality Past, Present, and Future: Part 1

Photo credit Virtual reality (VR) is a term that applies to computer-simulated environments that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world, as well as in imaginary worlds. This can vary from flight and other vehicle simulators, to video games, to immersion programs for training of military tactics, to medical and therapeuticRead… Read more »

Are These Data?

A few years ago, I answered the phone. I’ve since learned my lesson and silenced the landline. When someone leaves a message there now, the tiny blue light flickers forlornly until I log on to the interwebs to listen and laugh at the voice mail. For those particularly entertaining, I forward to my wife’s emailRead… Read more »

Friday’s political law links

WILEY REIN NEWSLETTER. The November 2011 Wiley Rein Election Law Newsletter is online here. TRIAL DATE FOR EDWARDS. Story here. “U.S. District Court Judge Catherine Eagles, sitting in Greensboro, N.C., scheduled jury selection to begin Jan. 30 and first evidence in the case to be presented Feb. 13, Politico reported Wednesday.” HOUSE ETHICS MOVES ONRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: November 18, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Location, location, location. A lot of people moving to GovLoop–more than 50K at last count! One of those people, Lovisa Williams, asked how GovLoopers (especially federal government employees) were using Google+. Ines Mergle, writing at Gov in the Lab, shared an infographic that helps answer that question. Beyond “Go Slow to Go Fast.”Read… Read more »

Is the Federal Suspension and Debarment System Broken?

By SCOTT AMEY Is the federal suspension and debarment system broken? The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) attempted to answer that question yesterday. That hearing follows a hearing on suspension and debarment held last month by a House Oversight and Government Reform subcommittee. Both hearings featured almost the same witnesses, but hopefullyRead… Read more »