
Alex Luboff – A Fiscal, Social, and Environmental Sustainability: Urban Agriculture Fighting Poverty

The essay below has been selected as one of the 15 finalists for the GovLoop and NASPAA Scholarship program. To vote, simply sign in to your GovLoop account (Not a member yet? Sign up for free now!) and then click the big ‘Awesome’ button at the bottom of the post. Everyone is encouraged to voteRead… Read more »

Jay Sher – Federal R&D Prizes for Technological Investment and Innovation

The essay below has been selected as one of the 15 finalists for the GovLoop and NASPAA Scholarship program. To vote, simply sign in to your GovLoop account (Not a member yet? Sign up for free now!) and then click the big ‘Awesome’ button at the bottom of the post. Everyone is encouraged to voteRead… Read more »

News of the Week

Here is a brief list of some of the interesting sustainability news articles from this week: Geothermal potential reaches coast to coast GSA releases new telework policy 2012 Green Car of the Year finalists named Supercomputers Accelerate Development of Advanced Materials And you’ll find more headlines at! Original post

Weekly Round-up – November 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Gov 2.0 in San Francisco. Jay Nath, whom you should be following on Twitter, has a piece in the National Civic Review titled “Reimagining Government in the Digital Age.” In it, he details what Gov 2.0 has meant for his city, San Francisco, and what it can mean in local governments around theRead… Read more »

What My Dog Jenny Wants You To Know On Veterans Day

Meet Jenny, she is a 12 and-a-half year old arthritic Samoyed German Shepard abominable snow dog. She is a sweet old soul and enjoys being pulled around Washington DC in her wagon. Like me, Jenny is into social media, she’s also on twitter. A couple weeks ago, our friend Karima suggested to me that JennyRead… Read more »

Google and American Express Team Up for Small Business Saturday!

Many of us serve in Local Government roles and see Public / Private Sector collaboration as essential to promoting and building stronger communities. Here is an opportunity you will want to pass on to your local Chamber of Commerce and/or community development coordinator. Google and American Express have teamed up to create a new VideoRead… Read more »

The Three Hats of Mission-Support Leaders

How do you assess the effectiveness and impact of mission support functions — human resources, acquisitions, finance, technology, etc. — on an agency’s mission? That was the question posed to a roundtable of experts at the National Academy of Public Administration yesterday. And the question was raised none too soon – President Obama that morningRead… Read more »