
Recruitment 411: Serving Those Who Served

Today’s guest blogger is Jim Clifford, an executive with the IRS’s Wage and Investment division. He is the executive champion of the IRS Warrior Intern Program and the co-founder of the IRS Military Outreach for Service. As Veterans Day approaches, I begin to reflect more seriously on the question of how to repay a debtRead… Read more »

Veterans Day 2011

 Because all of us believe and understand in the fabric of the common bond of why we call ourselves American is to care for the men and women who wear the uniform; and when they take off the uniform, we care for them when they are veterans. Steve Buyer The veterans of our militaryRead… Read more »

GovExpert: Dick Wall, Former Peace Corps Country Director

GovExpert is a biweekly interview of high-level authorities on government and government practices. Dick Wall is a former Peace Corps Country Director for Chad, Zaire (Now the Republic of the Congo) and Mauritania (see full bio below). Some Thoughts on Training Below are some thoughts on what are common roadblocks to training in developing countries;Read… Read more »

Recruiting in the Digital Era: Updated Guidance for Employers, Recruiters, and Candidates

This summer I wrote Social Media and Recruiting 101: Overview and Recommendations, which was an extension of some earlier pieces I had written on the topic of “social screening” (see this post, as well as this white paper). In it, I recast the “recruiting funnel” to reflect how social media and other digital activity canRead… Read more »

Target Ideation to Get Your Leadership Excited

Catching the spark of excitement from leadership is the fuel to make any activity go forward. From the largest transformation effort to ensuring that all employees are able to wear comfortable shoes, it all starts with the support of Leadership. For government and large company Ideation efforts, this is especially true. But is top leadershipRead… Read more »

Federal Jobs By Major – Cool List

I get this question asked a lot – what federal jobs should apply for by major? Cool list by USAJOBS Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Federal Jobs By College Major Help Download the PDF file To help you choose the right career field, we have prepared the following table that groups Federal jobs thatRead… Read more »

Federal Employee Relations Specialists Needed

I’ve changed jobs and I am hiring. Looking for two employee relations specialists at the GS-11 or GS-12 level with promotion potential to GS-13. The job is open to federal status candidates. Read more in the USAJOBS announcement. The job closes November 13, 2011.

Hadoop World Breakout Sessions 8 and 9 Nov: Recommendations for the enterprise CTO

Hadoop World 2011 is upon us. Once again the community, with the consistent/polite/leading/persistent coordination of Cloudera, has built a great agenda with the right speakers and great attendees for what is now the “must attend” Big Data event. For those who are attending, I can’t wait to see you there. We are going to beRead… Read more »

Obama to announce job ideas for veterans

Friday is Veterans Day, and President Obama gets an early start today by announcing three initiatives aimed at helping former servicemembers find jobs. It’s another move in what the White House has dubbed its “We Can’t Wait” campaign, stressing executive action as Obama criticizes Republican members of Congress for opposing his jobs package, which includesRead… Read more »