

It feels a little like Apple has just been cored. This morning, I don’t think I was alone in shedding a tear. The difference between a geek, a nerd, and everyone else, was probably actually how you felt this morning. Because you see, for the nerds among us, he was more than a genius, anRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Acknowledging Abilities of All Employees

Recruiting people with disabilities is an important part of our work at the IRS. Not just because it’s the law, but because we believe in the abilities of all people. This month marks the 24th National Disability Employment Awareness Month. This event is in an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of employees with disabilities whileRead… Read more »

What Bob the Builder Taught Me About Training

It’s not rocket science, but I’m talking about training to reach the stars. Forgive the pun and the cliche, but they seem most appropriate here. Can we do it? Of course, we can. I learned all I know from the Cave Man who must have said, “I need to fix this. I have no otherRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: More Trouble for Banking Industry

The Washington Post reports that Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and GMAC Mortgage defrauded veterans and taxpayers out of hundreds of millions of dollars through illegal fees in veterans’ home refinancing loans. A suit was brought by a two whistleblowers in an Atlanta federal court. The Washington Post Reports: The suit accusesRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs 1955-2011: The most famous maestro of the micro.

When TIME named the computer as the 1982 ”Machine of the Year”, it published a long profile of Steve Jobs as “the most famous maestro of the micro.” Ha! Great turn of the phrase, and that was long before he really moved out in pushing the envelope in micro electronics, consumer technology and human-focused design.Read… Read more »

How NASA Lives on Through Social Media

Just read this really interesting post from the Deloitte Perspectives Blog and thought I’d share. It’s so great to see NASA embrace social media like it has. How is NASA reaching out to the public? Read more below! The shuttle may be grounded, but NASA’s relevance lives on. On Thursday 21 July the space shuttleRead… Read more »

How Your Military Skills Can Get you Hired!

Transitioning from the military to a civilian career? Ever wonder how the skills you’ve gained through military service can translate into a civilian job? GEICO’s got you covered. Not only does GEICO have a whole hub specifically designed to help military servicemen and women adjust back to civilian career life, but it provides a “MilitaryRead… Read more »

Women in Government: Clare Boothe Luce

In 2008 Meg Ryan remade a 1939 Norma Shearer film, “The Women.” Both of these films were incredibly unique in that no man appeared on the screen. The film is based on a stage play written by Clare Boothe Luce. However, being a playwright was only one career of this incredible woman. Clare Boothe LuceRead… Read more »

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and Raytheon on Getting Your Foot In Their Door

If you had the opportunity to speak with VPs from Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Boeing simultaneously, what would you say? If you attended MED Week, you would have had the opportunity to figure out how your small businesses could align and even team with these primes. A panel discussion on supplier management —Read… Read more »