
Back office blues

Picture this: Girl sits at a desk. It’s an okay desk, as it happens it’s not the smallest desk she ever had. Actually, she used to have her own office – in a portakabin admittedly – but it was her own space in one of those weird local government twists of fate. Anyway, she’s gotRead… Read more »


Plan amounts to $21 billion tax increase on federal employees American Federation of Government Employees National President John Gage today denounced President Obama’s proposal to require federal employees to contribute $21 billion more to their retirement. Under the President’s Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, federal employees will have their paychecks reduced by 1.2Read… Read more »

Government Resume Makeover: Bradley Olin Edition

Earlier this year, GovLoop and Young Government Leaders (YGL) launched the “Rock Your Resume” Project. It started out as a group on GovLoop in January, but has quickly grown to over 550 members. What began as peer reviews has evolved to leverage the experience of two top-notch expert reviewers – Camille Roberts & Paul BinkleyRead… Read more »

Why face-to-face events about digital communications are important

With increased budget pressures and constraints on our schedules with expanding workloads, finding time to attend a face-to-face event is difficult. Not that there are many face-to-face events anymore: studies show that 60% of US marketers are planning to increase their spend on virtual events while 42% plan to decrease their spend around physical eventsRead… Read more »

Bob Gourley Discusses Big Data Security With IDG

Photo Credit On Monday, September 12, 2011, Crucial Point‘s own Bob Gourley met with cyber security industry leaders at the National Harbor Gaylord Convention Center near Washington D.C. The event was coincident with the HP Protect 2011 conference for Cyber security and enterprise software. The full interview will air soon through HP, but weRead… Read more »

moms changing our world

This month, online parenting site put out a list of 100 moms who are changing the world. This high-powered list includes Hillary Clinton, Vera Wang, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Shirin Abadi. To recognize the thousands upon thousands of other not-high-profile moms toiling tirelessly to change our world, also created a competition, inviting anyoneRead… Read more »

On Seeing Risk Differently

Whenever anyone steps up and tells you that [social media] and the public service don’t mix; when they tell you not to, and when they tell your that you are risking too much tell them that the real risk is failing to soldier on. Tell them that the truth of the matter is this: theRead… Read more »

Proposed OGE rules would hit lobbyists and more political law links

WILEY REIN’S ELECTION LAW NEWS. This month’s Election Law News has interesting items on proposed rules from the Office of Government Ethics and Hawaii guidance on gifts, among other topics. MORE ON OGE PROPOSAL. The Hill. “A new regulation proposed this week by the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) would prohibit all government employees fromRead… Read more »