
“How to Manage Social Media” Presentations

My thanks to Joel Sarfati, Director of 40 Plus of Greater Washington D.C. and Professor Ray Kimball of Montgomery College’s TechLeap Program for inviting me to give presentations on “How to Manage Social Media for Busy Professionals” last week. Both events had great audiences, and I appreciated the vigorous question-and-answer sessions. Two slide decks shareRead… Read more »

Connecting the dots: Open source, government, and economic development

Originally published on In part one of our interview with David Diaz, president and CEO of the Downtown Raleigh Alliance, we explored how open source is applied to economic development, how his organization works with local government, and the programs Downtown Raleigh Alliance has implemented. Now, David tells us how influential open source isRead… Read more »

Why governments need a strategy for enterprise mobility now

Government agencies not only experience the budget squeeze, they feel mobility demands becoming ever more sophisticated increasing pressure from two sides: Their ecosystem increasingly uses mobile devices and demands for respective accommodation by the government, and, mobile devices and the productivity-enhancing apps that run on them become broadly affordable, a development sometimes dubbed as theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – September 02, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Mobile, Apps, and Embedable Maps Bryan Yurcan reports that financial institutions are turning to social media to communicate with their customers during disasters, while Neal Ungerleider reports that the Navy is turning more and more to Google+ for its communications needs. FEMA, meanwhile, has released an app for use in preparation for andRead… Read more »

Reflections on my career at the age of 30

Today is my 30th birthday. Since everyone says it’s an important milestone I figured it would be appropriate to sit back and reflect on my career so far. On Appreciation I am grateful for many things at this point in my career but most of all I am grateful for having the opportunity to haveRead… Read more »

State Of Florida Agency WorkForce Innovations-Veterans Employment Representative-LVER Orlando, FL

Veterans, As a recently retired Sergeant Major in the U.S. ARMY with over 31 Year of service I am priviledged and honored to continue to serve Veterans in their quest for employment. My mission in life is to share my knowledge and experiences with Veterans, and simply to help all Veterans GET EMPLOYED!!! If youRead… Read more »

Defining, Accepting and Training “Innovation,” Part Two

If there were a key for ideas…maybe we would listen better. “We talk about innovation constantly, but step outside the chain of command and you get your hand slapped with the reminder that ‘You can’t understand the politics involved.’ The key to innovation is really believing that everyone has a worthwhile perspective — not sayingRead… Read more »

I Am Ninja: TweetDeck as a Killer App

The profile for @DODASSMC reads: “The Army’s Director of Online and Social Media Division coordinates these monthly meetings for professional development and networking of DOD social media folks.” For the past two months, I’ve had the pleasure of addressing that group, and I’ve come to realize that it’s time for me to embrace (resurrect?) myRead… Read more »