
A Look at NASA’s Sustainability Base

Here is a quick follow up on last Friday’s post about sustainability at NASA. In the video below, USA Today interviews Steve Zornetzer, Associate Center Director, NASA Ames – and GOVgreen participant – about NASA’s new ultra-efficient building, and takes us on a brief tour of the construction site. Original post

Kundra’s “Reflections on Public Service”

Outgoing Federal CIO Vivek Kundra had an impressive legacy advancing the open government movement both at the national and local levels. He ended his tenure as U.S. Chief Technology Officer last Friday, and will be transitioning to a teaching position at Harvard University. Today, he posted a thoughtful piece, reflecting on his time in publicRead… Read more »

Enhancing Collective Defense with Taxonomies for Operational Cyber Defense

Cyberspace is our interconnected information technology. And since everything either is or is becoming connected, one of the defining characteristics of cyberspace is its complexity. This adds burden to cyber defenders. Defense teams require experience, education, training and a mindset that lets them continually learn. They also must forge broad teams across multiple subject andRead… Read more »

Training To Prevent Cyber Attack

“No one felt safe from anyone anymore. Many more millions died as brother turned against brother in the War Against Terror, and countries turned within, no longer wanting anything to do with the rest of the world; their world was enough. Then the terrorists exacted their revenge and used the Internet, the one link someRead… Read more »

The Lesson of Zork – Successful Training is in the Details

The problem with training material is that usually the people creating these documents know their subject matter inside and out. Now, I realize that most people probably wouldn’t really think that’s problem. After all, if we are new to a subject and looking for a teacher, we would most certainly seek out a “master” ofRead… Read more »

Proposed new lobbying rules, wooing donors, a CEO donation, and more political law links

ABA PROPOSES NEW LOBBYING RULES. Roll Call. “The American Bar Association has urged Congress to require the registration of more lobbyists, compel the disclosure of lobbying activities in more detail and narrow the types of contributions federally registered lobbyists can make to lawmakers running for re-election.” PITCHING WOO TO DONORS. Politico. “They’re the kind ofRead… Read more »