
The Power of Good Government: Crime Fighting

Matt Yglesias has a short post highlighting the rapid metamorphosis of the LAPD from a hotbed of corruption and vigilantism into one of the most effective police forces in America. The full article from the New York Times (what happened to the LA Times?) is here. Much of the story is about the leadership ofRead… Read more »

Communities of Like-Minded People Can Cause Real Change in Government

GovLoop is sponsoring a symposium on Customer Service, August 23. It promises to be a great event – bringing together customer service experts and passionistas from within and outside of government, and it hopes to culminate in some real actions to improve customer service in government. Hurrah! Wish I could be there (I was invited,Read… Read more »

Political law links for August 10, 2011

SHAYS IN. Roll Call. “Former Rep. Christopher Shays, a prominent GOP moderate who lost re-election in 2008, is preparing to enter the race for retiring Sen. Joe Lieberman’s (I-Conn.) seat.” WATERS CASE UPDATE. The Post. “The House ethics committee is poised to pay a half-million dollars by year’s end to resolve the mess that remainsRead… Read more »

Government Agency Names and Statutes as Linked Data, via LC Name Authority File

The Library of Congress has made available the LC Name Authority File as Linked Data. The data are available in several formats, including RDF/XML, N-Triples, and JSON. Of particular interest to the legal informatics community is the fact that the Linked Data version of the LC Name Authority File includes records for names of veryRead… Read more »

Government Resume Makeover: Jacob Hoots Edition

Earlier this year, GovLoop and Young Government Leaders (YGL) launched the “Rock Your Resume” Project. It started out as a group on GovLoop back in January, which has quickly grown to over 550 members. What started out as peer reviews has evolved to leverage the experience of two top-notch expert reviewers – Camille Roberts &Read… Read more »

Instead of a blog post, I opted to go for a run…

…here It’s going to be that kind of week. I’m on a working vacation… Goals for my blog this week. If I’m lucky, one on the UK’s open data consultation, one on the taco’s from tacofino, and one on Oyster Burgers. cause they rock. Email & Share: Original post

Illinois looks to expand wind energy with new laws

Illinois passed two new laws designed to further wind energy in the state. The new laws will create a council to study offshore wind energy projects in Lake Michigan and allow for more wind energy projects throughout Illinois. The bills are part of a broader state initiative to support renewable energy statewide. One bill willRead… Read more »