
Putting German Municipalities on the Twitter Map

More and more German municipalities are using microblogging service – mainly as a complementary news outlet. A map provided by ifib (Institute for Information Management Bremen) displays more than 60 tweeting municipalities – Städte, Gemeinden & Kreise – in April 2011, highlighting total number of tweets and follower count. It looks like cities inRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Natural ‘Street Cred’: Talking With the Director of the National Park Service

As the director of the National Park Service, Jon Jarvis oversees 20,000 employees, 140,000 volunteers and 394 national parks. With nearly 35 years of service with the National Park Service, Jarvis began his career as a ranger and was later promoted to superintendent positions in both Alaska and Idaho and regional director of the PacificRead… Read more »

Delaware reforms teacher hiring process

Delaware is reforming how new teachers will get hired under a new law the Governor signed yesterday. The new bill changes an existing rule on how offers are made to teachers. Previously, districts were not guaranteed their full share of state funding for teacher salaries until the official September 30th student count was issued byRead… Read more »

Report reminder, a new NC blog, how to announce for president, and new political law links

Q1 LDA REPORT REMINDER. Courtesy of the Office of the Clerk here. “The first quarter report is due Wednesday, April 20, 2011, covering January 1, 2011 through March 31, 2011.” “GOVERNMENT ETHICS LAW IN NORTH CAROLINA” BLOG. Are you dealing with North Carolina issues or just interested in a new perspective on ethics laws? CheckRead… Read more »

Leveraging IT to Maximize HR Resources

Human Resource Specialists are not specialists in Information Technology. Yet, today HR has a difficult time recruiting, engaging with employees, providing benefits, conducting training or capturing performance feedback without the intervention of technology. In fact, without technology, I can emphatically say that these functions are impossible. Why? Because heightened expectations for anywhere, anytime access toRead… Read more »

Professional Speakers – Should You Speak for Free?

I recently responded to a question from one of my professional speaking groups in LinkedIn. The person asked about the value of free workshops. Absolutely, if done deliberately. Here’s my answer… For new speakers, free/unpaid speaking engagements is a great way to build momentum, brand, awareness, etc. Also, in regard to some of the otherRead… Read more »

Girl walks into a Twitter conversation

This is another entirely random ‘what if?’ post. I freely admit that not the right amount of serious considered intellectual thought has gone into this. But. What if, right, we all rotated Chief Executives every few years or so? I can’t quite remember how it started and finding the conversation would be difficult, but IRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »