
A Shutdown Is No Cake Walk For Contractors

Let’s face it a shutdown affects everyone. I don’t think anyone would say that federal workers aren’t at the forefront of the shutdown battlefield but don’t forget about your average citizen and yes gov’t contractors. The SECAF, an industry association representing more than 400 small and medium government contractors conducted a survey over the lastRead… Read more »

What to do during #Shutdown? Women in SharePoint DC Networking Event 4/28/11

As many have mentioned here regarding the looming shutdown, focusing on resilency, positive outlook, and even beards are part of the game plan for many. For those not prone to growing beards (LOL) consider attending some of the tech and networking events you don’t have time to attend during overly busy work weeks. Here’s WomenRead… Read more »

Scottish councils embrace flexible working to cut costs

The Improvement Service in Scotland is delivering an ambitious project to help Scottish councils use flexible and agile working to help save money. Spearheaded by City of Edinburgh, Scottish Borders, West Lothian, Fife, Aberdeenshire and Argyll and Bute councils the project will deliver a range of online tools and hands on advice designed to helpRead… Read more »

Possible Government Shutdown will Slow Down Federal Hiring

I remember the furloughs of 1995 and 1996. I just wrote and published the Federal Resume Guidebook — and the federal resume was controversial – then the furloughs! It was bad then for other reasons than today’s furlough situation. The government was switching from the SF-171 application to the federal resume at that time, andRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up April 8, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Tumblers: Not Just for Soda Anymore. Alex Howard and Alice Lipowicz report that the GSA and State Deparment have each started Tumblr Blogs. It will be interesting to see if other agencies follow suit, and if so, how they use the social features of the platform. Infographics for All! On GovLoop, Andrew KrzmarzickRead… Read more »

On Fearless Advice and Loyal Implementation

I traveled across British Columbia last month, visiting a series of three Employment Insurance (EI) processing plants, to deliver talks about engagement and career development. I met a lot of dedicated public servants, made new friends, and learned more about front-line service delivery than many Ottawa-based policy wonks do this early in their career. I’veRead… Read more »

Top Ten Strategies on Facilitating Career Conversations

This month’s “Top 10 Strategies” centers on the importance of managers having career conversations with employees. Surveys confirm that 4 out of 5 American workers are unsatisfied with their companies’ retention efforts and 3 out of 4 are not satisfied with future career growth opportunities at their company. Furthermore, half of all workers are unsatisfiedRead… Read more »

I’m Proud to be a Civil Servant (even with a looming shutdown)!

It’s impossible to ignore the resentment, anger, and distrust towards Federal employees that permeates our society these days – especially if you happen to be a Federal employee. Our elected officials, reporters, and think tanks have jumped on government workers in an effort to raise their own stature and exposure. Federal employees, whose salaries accountRead… Read more »

Are You Stuck at 95% Complete?

At the weekly status meeting, things seem to be progressing well. Several team members report some of their many tasks at 95% complete. They have had other priorities and have to focus on something else for awhile, but they are almost done. The Next Week Again, things seem to be going very well. Many moreRead… Read more »