
GovInsights: Challenges Government Faces Today are No Different Than The Past

This interview is part of a series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. This time we talked with, Professor Sonja Walti- Assistant Professor for the Department of Public Administration and Policy at AmericanRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: TSP, NGG11, ROFL, and Other Acronyms You Probably Don’t Know

Yep. You guess it. It’s the… Friday Fab Five! Time to take a look back at the past week and highlight some of the best of the best. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to none other than Rebecca Schreiber‘s blog post Investing TSP Money and Other Retirement Tricks. Whether you are aRead… Read more »


As I write this, I am fast approaching 29 months without full-time employment. While I am appreciative of the 30 hour a week job as City Clerk of a small bedroom community in the Twin Cities area, it IS PT and the pay is way below what I earned in my FT positions. I doRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up, March 25, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda No more misplaced keys (or cars, or drivers?). Government Technology has two articles–one about adding a “First Responders” layer to GIS, the other about adding bar codes to municipal inventory–that should be read against one another. Each activity can act as a force multiplier for the other. Event, LiveBlog, Stream, Needle, Praise, Recap.Read… Read more »

“People don’t Resist Change. They Resist Being Changed!”

This Peter Senge quote is very appropriate for this week’s post. In last week’s blog we discussed why people typically resist change. ( In this week’s entry, we take it to the next level by discussing why and how people actually resist change. What barriers and arguments do they use to convince themselves that changeRead… Read more »

#DonationFAIL! Why Bing Got Blasted and What Gov Can Learn

In the wake of the recent disasters in Japan, many organizations used Twitter to raise donations for the relief effort overseas. However, Microsoft’s Bing pledged $100,000 and received a lot of criticism for their generous pledge. On March 12, Bing tweeted “How can you #SupportJapan? For every retweet, @bing will give $1 to Japan quakeRead… Read more »

Social Media Training for Government: Sample One-Day Workshop

One week ago, I had the opportunity to deliver a 4-hour workshop for the Greater Los Angeles Federal Executive Board (FEB). Over the past couple years, I have delivered a variation of this “101” workshop for: Boston, Chicago and Honolulu FEBs California and Texas Certified Public Managers programs (mostly city and county employees) Federal agenciesRead… Read more »

The Stress Doc’s Stages of Grief: Discovering Purpose and Possibility in Trying Times

With all the uncertainty and stress in our economic-job climate (not to mention natural and man-made disasters), most of us can use a refresher on how to grapple with loss and change, how to have the courage to both persist and to let go, how to transform the danger into opportunity…how to grow stronger, wiserRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: A Tailor-made Website

Every so often, Recruitment 411 will feature a guest blogger. Today’s guest blogger is Shawn, who manages the IRS Careers website. We designed the IRS Careers website so visitors can easily find information about IRS jobs. The site includes four focus areas: pre-college, current students & recent grads, and experienced professionals, as well as peopleRead… Read more »

Tech and recalls, Waters and ethics, transparency transparency and more political law links for Thursday

TECHNOLOGY AND THE GROWTH OF RECALLS. Blog post here. (I added the new and exciting Recall Elections Blog to my ever-growing list of links to your right.) IT’S MILLER TIME FOR PAC. Roll Call reports that Alaska’s Joe Miller will chair a PAC. WATERS AND ETHICS. The Hill reports. “Public interest groups on Wednesday askedRead… Read more »