
NOAA and FEMA – Get ready for spring floods

While we should be prepared for all sorts of problems NOAA and FEMA joined forces to started warning people about spring floods. If everyone does this they will be prepared or partialy prepared for other problems like rain storms, hurricanes, blackouts, etc. How? The basics are teh BASICS! Flashlight, alternate place to go, camping stove,Read… Read more »

Air Force names 2011 Cyberspace Operations and Support Hall of Fame inductees

Congrats to all the inductees, but especially for my colleague General Harry Raduege! He chairs Deloitte’s Center for Cyber Innovation ( and it’s a pleasure and honor to work with him. Original article link: 3/14/2011 by Tech. Sgt. Jess Harvey Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs 3/14/2011 – WASHINGTON (AFNS) — Five AirmenRead… Read more »

Should You Only Hire PMPs?

I received an email from the studio audience which has sparked one of my rare but fun rants. “…companies should use PMPs instead of untrained but experienced project leads. If you have any sources I could use, please send them on!!”” Deep breaths Josh….deep breaths….. That’s Lazy If screening for PMP certification is a partRead… Read more »

Lobby fees in SC, Holman on FEC, Alaska guilty plea and more political law links today

HOLMAN ON THE FEC. In Roll Call. “After April, all but one of the six commissioners on the Federal Election Commission will be sitting with expired terms. Half the commission had their terms expire two years ago.” SUNLIGHT FOUNDATION EVENT ON LOBBYING REFORMS. I enjoyed listening to yesterday’s lobbying reform event on the Hill withRead… Read more »

Policy of Truth

“Words like violence Break the silence Come crashing in Into my little world…” – Martin Gore, Depeche Mode. “Enjoy the Silence” from the album “Violator In many contexts, few people appreciate having things forced down their throats. I was reading Dan Pontefract’s blog today on the future of communication skills in organizations. This particularly gotRead… Read more »

“What would Google Do?” to create better managers

Most organizations promote people based on technical knowledge, seniority, etc. They almost never (at least in my experience) provide training or assessment for new managers on how to manage properly. Managing people effectively is a unique skill set, and often doesn’t require that a manager have the in-depth technical knowledge of the team. If theRead… Read more »

Eight Tips to Help You Write Job Interview Thank You Notes

Surprisingly many job seekers still do not write thank you notes after interviews. Help yourself stand out from the crowd by thanking those who have taken the time to meet with you. A thank you note is particularly important after an informational interview. Here are eight tips to help you get through the thank youRead… Read more »

Beware of Proposal Editors

I will never forget my first bylined article in the Financial Times of London. It was back when Kathy Lee Gifford was in trouble as her clothing line for Wal-Mart was accused of violating the child labor laws in Honduras. As an aspiring journalist, I did a ton of research and preparation for this article.Read… Read more »