
Job Oppty: Alberta Climate Dialogue

PROJECT LEAD, Alberta Climate DialogueAlberta Climate Dialogue (ABCD) seeks a Project Lead to guide an ambitious citizen engagement initiative that will operate first in municipalities across Alberta and then scale up to the provincial level. ABCD is a five-year project premised on the conviction that well-designed citizen deliberations can play a crucial role in creatingRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Barriers to Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide – Traditionals and Boomer ‘Hot Buttons’” – Part III

In the aftermath of a recent “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC utility, I coined two new concepts – “Gentor” ™ and “Gentoring” ™. (My Webmaster frequently notes how Spell-check is not impressed by my wordsmith proclivities!) And a showcase essay, “Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital DivideRead… Read more »

How do you develop technology team

A colleague has asked an interesting question and I’d like some help answering. The question: I am working with one of our development teams on their needs/development plans and I wanted to bring external best practices in this area.Do you have any examples (or theory /articles) on how to develop effectively developers / technology teams?Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: March 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The 411 for when You’re 404: TechCrunch reports on a whitepaper by Microsoft and Psychster that details how companies (and by extension, government organizations) can use Twitter to communicate when their sites go down. Whose House? 25 – 44 Year-Olds’ House! Take a look at this chart detailing the demographics of various socialRead… Read more »

Three Reasons Why the Social Media Guidelines for UAE Government are Vital

Few days ago, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) eGovernment has officially released a set of guidelines documents; one of them was Guidelines for Social Media Usage in UAE Government Entities. The document offers a set of guidelines for the government entities in UAE to manage their presence on social media websites and take actions onRead… Read more »

12 Ideas for Surfacing Top Talent With Social Media

This afternoon, I had the pleasure of presenting for the ACT-IAC Human Capital Special Interest Group. My working title was “Surfacing Top Talent with Social Media.” I built on a previous slide deck, adding 6 examples of agencies and people using social media as part of the recruitment and hiring process. I’ll let the slidesRead… Read more »

FREE listening online webinar

Following up on my post about the importance of listening to what people are saying about you and your organisation online, we’re delighted to be running a free webinar on the subject along with our friends at RepKnight. It’s taking place on Wednesday 16th March between 10:30am and 11:30am. The webinar will include some generalRead… Read more »

How Cutting Corners Costs You More

It happens to all of us. You’re a developer or a project manager and here comes the customer or stakeholders asking about how to cut a few corners. Your spider-sense should be tingling, because usually this will cause you more pain than it’s worth. Get the Full Perspective In order to make a decision likeRead… Read more »