
The indispensable university

“The Indispensable University: Higher Education, Economic Development, and the Knowledge Economy” by Eugene P. Trani, Robert D. Holsworth (Rowman & Littlefield, 2010) discusses the role of the unviersity in the twenty-first century economy. I happened across this book because it references my summary of The Cambridge Phenomenon (on pages 22, 153 and 265). Product DescriptionRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur!”

This week I led a “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC Government utility. The groups of managers and employees (a mix of Boomers and Gen Xers) were asked to identify an area of breakdown in generational relations and then list some problem-solving recommendations. One team focused on how many of the “older” fieldRead… Read more »

March 3 Cleared Job Fair Seminar Schedule — BWI, MD

Please join us Thursday March 3 at the Cleared Job Fair, BWI, MD to meet with cleared facilities employers. Our class schedule for the day: 11am-3pm Professional One-on-One Resume Reviews These are 5-10 minute sessions where a job seeker can review their resume directly to an HR professional. We offer these sessions on a first-come,Read… Read more »

Fundamental Design of Learning Activities

by Aaron Silvers (ADL). Aaron Silvers has innovated the design and production of learning experiences with a variety of technologies for organizations large and small, in both the private and public sectors, for over 15 years. He led the development of a number of SCORM 2004 content examples. Aaron returned to ADL in 2010 asRead… Read more »

Understanding the 8(a) Business Development Program

There is a wide spread misconception that if you are a Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) you are also considered to be an 8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business. First, there is no such designation as an 8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business and second, the SDB designation is now a “self certification” through your Central Contractor Registration. The SDBRead… Read more »

Handling illegal interview questions

One of my job-seeking clients recently had an interview in which the employer asked her a question about her race/ethnicity. It was for a position that required a lot of cross-cultural understanding, and my guess is that the employer wanted to know whether the candidate had the cross-cultural skills needed for the job. However, employersRead… Read more »

Your Accomplishments + Stories = Credibility

How do you establish your credibility? How does someone know the ‘real you’? On a professional basis, how can you demonstrate you have experience, get results, are competent? Traditionally this knowledge comes from the individual knowing you over time and seeing how well what you say and what you do match up – from workingRead… Read more »

Learning presence

Greetings from the Austrlaian National University where I am in a reading group discussing “Learning presence: Towards a theory of self-efficacy, self-regulation, and the development of a communities of inquiry in online and blended learning environments” by Shea and Bidjerano:In this paper we examine the Community of Inquiry framework (Garrison, Anderson, & Archer, 2000) suggestingRead… Read more »

I Survived the PMF Assessments – Part 1

*** The blog below was originally posted on February 22, 2011. *** I am a second year Master of Public Policy candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. I decided to apply for the Presidential Management Fellows this year because it’s a great opportunity to work for the federal government and get 160 hours ofRead… Read more »

The Retirement vs. College Savings Smackdown!

Goal: Find a smart strategy for retirement and college savings. 4 Steps to Saving Responsibly: 1. Save 3-6 months of debt payments and other critical expenses. 2. Accelerate payments of high-interest debt so that the total debt you owe is decreasing every month, even if only slightly (meaning you are paying more than the financeRead… Read more »