
Obama’s FY 2012 Management Initiatives

Attention to the FY 2012 budget’s performance and management initiatives have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the proposed budget cuts by both the President and the Congress, and the resolution of the pending FY 2011 continuing resolution. For the most part, the management section of the budget, reflects a continued commitment to initiatives initiallyRead… Read more »

ROI for social networking

I don’t have any answers. Lets get that clear right up front. What I do have is some questions and some personal experience to share. If you’re looking for numbers – wrong place. I’d send you somewhere else to find them but…well we’ll come to that. Return on Investment is a big big deal atRead… Read more »

Data Innovation: Insight into the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon

What exactly is a “code-a-thon” you ask? Well, I’m not computer science wiz but according to the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon DC website: …bringing together developers, designers and raw data sets to build exciting new applications and tools for improved health care. Developers, designers and other stakeholders are given an overview of health care issues, toolsRead… Read more »

What’s Your 6-Word Career Story?

The GovLoop community is clearly way ahead of the curve when it comes to the power of answering a hefty question in 7 words or less. This exercise forces you to crystallize only the essentials. For example: Well, apparently others have taken note, like this Valentine’s day-theme post by the WSJ: Here are some ofRead… Read more »

What Government Public Affairs Can Learn From Donald Trump

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Donald Trump is a master of public branding and marketing for himself and his eponymous business interests. While government doesn’t usually consider itself in the business of “marketing” itself, in reality, the Open Government movement is to some degree about publicizing data and information in order to get it toRead… Read more »

Library of Alexandria was Not Destroyed

As I tell my e-document students, the Library of Alexandria was founded around 290 BC, destroyed by fire around 48 BC and opened again for business in 2002AD, with an on-line catalogue. It was surprising to hear the librarian detailing the library’s role in the recent revolution in Egypt.In scenes reminiscent of Isaac Asimov’s FoundationRead… Read more »

The Diary of a Madman

Actor Geoffrey Rush has made a career out of playing eccentric characters. Long before his award winning performance as Lionel Logue in The King’s Speech, Captain Hector Barbossa in Pirates of the Caribbean (2003) or even David Helfgott in Shine (1996) there was his 1989 portrayal of Poprishchin in Diary of a Madman. Adapted fromRead… Read more »

Library of Alexandria was Not Destroyed

As I tell my e-document students, the Library of Alexandria was founded around 290 BC, destroyed by fire around 48 BC and opened again for business in 2002AD, with an on-line catalogue. It was surprising to hear the librarian detailing the library’s role in the recent revolution in Egypt.In scenes reminiscent of Isaac Asimov’s FoundationRead… Read more »