
The Federal Coach: ‘Warm But Tough’ Nannerl Keohane on What Makes A Good Leader

With more than forty years of experience in higher education, leadership expert Nannerl O. Keohane is a leading scholar in political philosophy, feminism and education. Keohane served as president of Wellesley College and later as the first female president of Duke University. Today, she teaches at Princeton University as a Rockefeller distinguished visiting professor ofRead… Read more »

Data Centers: New Use for Blighted Downtowns?

After the economic bust, a number of cities have been left with literally blocks of abandoned office space, creating an eyesore as well as hazards due to decay, arson, and squatters. However, according to an article by Robert Sharoff in the New York Times, cities such as St. Louis are finding new tenants for theirRead… Read more »

You’re Invited: Virtual Deliberation on Economic Security, Sat Feb 19

You are invited to join a forum in the virtual world of Second Life on Saturday February 19 at 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) about economic security in America. This program is co-sponsored by the Center for Voter Deliberation of Northern Virginia and PublicDecisions. Attendance is free of charge. This virtual deliberationRead… Read more »

On Becoming a Leading “Word Artist” on Stage and Page: How to ASPIRE-2 – Part I

As a speaker, writer and leader I’m always looking to follow in the mind-prints of, or at least understand and hopefully emulate, Nobel-prize winning scientist, Albert Szent Gyorgyi’s “elegantly simple” words: “Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought!” With originality as frame, form and function, whatRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Saba alcher! صباح الخير! Good morning! The State Department is now tweeting in Arabic Land-based Broadband Is 2000-and-Late. President Obama wants 98 percent of the country to have wireless access to the internet by 2016. Trillion-with-a-T? Sounds Fishy to Me. This infographic claims that Americans receive 200 Trillion text messages a day. ToRead… Read more »

Engaging students with discussion forums

Today I attended “Engaging students with discussion forums”, the second in a series of Education Innovation Workshops being run during February 2011, by the Educational Development Group, College of Engineering & Computer Science at the Australian National University. These are short, sharp hands-on sessions intended for those developing courses with ANU’s “Wattle” (Moodle based) LearningRead… Read more »

From Recent College Grad to CPO: It’s a Gov Up..Mash Up!

That’s right! If you haven’t heard about the Gov Up that is taking place tomorrow at Public House in National Harbour, then you’re missing out! The “Rock Your Career” Gov Up, will be a Mash Up of young govies and experienced executives. Holding true to the “melting pot” American spirit, individuals from the private sector,Read… Read more »

Structuring the e-Document Course

Previously I grouped 8 SFIA Skills for an Electronic Document and Records Management course at the ANU under three headings:Strategy & architecture Information strategyInformation managementInformation policy formationInformation content publishingBusiness change Business change managementBusiness analysisSolution development and implementation Systems developmentData analysisDatabase/ Original post