
5 Tips for Smarter Community Building

1. Hire a passionate leader. A community manager who is passionate about the subject is critical (if not highly correlated) to the success of the community. If this is not in place, it is nearly impossible to succeed. 2. Focus on base camp at first, not the summit. When you first launch a community, spendRead… Read more »

Velicogna et al. on e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience

Marco Velicogna of IRSIG‐CNR, and Antoine Errera and Stéphane Derlange, both of Tribunal administratif de Paris, have published e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience, Utrecht Law Review, 7(1), 163-187 (2011). Here is the abstract: Recent field research projects in the justice sector have shown how the development of e-justice entails much more than developing, installingRead… Read more »

Life outside of work is still work?

So, it’s technically illegal for an employer to discriminate in their hiring practices based on race, creed, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, gender, age, etc. Ever since the employers became savvy to social networking, there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not they can discriminate based on an applicant’s life outside of work. I’mRead… Read more »

John Boehner’s Tech Innovation Wave Into The Speaker’s Chair

Stan Freck (Park City, UT) – The pace of technological change and adoption is increasing rapidly, and even relatively traditional fields like politics and government are not immune from such evolution. Here, I briefly review how the Internet has impacted modern high-profile political campaigns, and take a special look at how in 2010 Rep. JohnRead… Read more »

What Would We Do Without Interns?

I don’t know about you, but GovLoop really appreciates our interns. We try to give them meaningful (vs. menial) projects that enable them to learn something, expand their networks and advance their careers while they’re with us. We even call them Fellows vs. interns as it seems more distinguished…like the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.Read… Read more »

Observations from ASTD #TK11: Learning in 2015

by Damon Regan (ADL). Damon Regan is an Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton supporting the ADL Initiative. He is currently focused on registry and repository technology for managing learning content. Damon is a Ph.D. Candidate in Instructional Technology at the University of Central Florida. He has an MBA from Rollins College and a B.S. inRead… Read more »

Science and America

Dick’s remarks at the St Charles School Science Fair Awards Ceremony. On behalf of my colleagues today and the Washington Academy of Sciences, I would like to thank you for inviting us to today’s St Charles School Science Fair. Judging new scientists is fun for us older scientists, that’s why my colleagues and I keepRead… Read more »

Renewable Energy Possibilites as Shown by Solar Mapping

Solar maps are becoming an increasingly useful – and more widely used – tool for solar system installers, city planners and building managers alike. A quality solar map can help determine payback periods, development locations and system scales. These, and many other reasons, made the environmental engineers at UCSD catch our eye. They’ve developed aRead… Read more »