
Simple Sabotage – We Wrote the Book

17 January 1944, the Office of Strategic Services in Washington D.C. published a book titled “Simple Sabotage Field Manual.” You can find this book for Kindle on for about $5, or you can download a free version by clicking this link to Warning text on page 1 states: “The contents of this ManualRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Keeping Employees During the Federal Ice Age

Federal managers are facing what some have called the “ice age,” the era of pay and hiring freezes that could have a significant effect on the government workforce. Like many federal managers, I was in Washington during the last “ice age” and its affects were detrimental. Another hiring freeze would likely leave critical positions unfilled,Read… Read more »

Minnesota to accelerate permitting, environmental review

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has signed an Executive Order that requires the Commissioners of the Department of Natural Resources and the Pollution Control Agency to “move at the speed of commerce,” by accelerating and simplifying their environmental review and permitting processes. The Governor claims that the changes are needed in order to make the stateRead… Read more »

You Can’t Read This!

You can’t read this! You can’t even understand the words that are coming out of my mouth! Because I speak English – and you don’t. Actually, I had that a bit backwards. You and I understand this post just fine because we speak and read in English, but if you don’t speak English then you’reRead… Read more »

Applying the New Capitalist Manifesto to Open Government

The original version of this post can be found at acidlabs. Any comments you wish to make would be appreciated there. As a part of the research work I’m doing for my book, I’m reading radical economist, Umair Haque’s, The New Capitalist Manifesto. In it, Haque posits a set of Laws for the 21st CenturyRead… Read more »

Brazilian Project will use Social Media and e-Voting for popular participation

The i3G institute, locating in the city of Florianópolis – Brazil, which conducts research in e-Government, Artificial Intelligence and Ontology areas, has just approved a public international project, called “The Citizen and the e-Gov in Americas”, organized by the International Development and Research Centre (IDRC) and Inter-american Universitary Organization, both on Canada, with the collaborationRead… Read more »

Get Organized for Great Customer Service

At long last, the customer service bandwagon seems to be rolling in government. The latest evidence: GSA just quietly unveiled a fabulous new website: It puts requirements, best practices, training, and tips for all forms of customer service delivery (web, call centers, publications, social media) under one customer service umbrella. Bravo! Finally, we canRead… Read more »

Modern Warfighter full motion video and UAS surveillance

Modern Warfighter full motion video and UAS surveillance, by Donna L. Quesinberry FMV (full motion video) provides infantrymen and women with enhanced capabilities in-theater under ubiquitous conditions during the monitor of urban or rural areas or while attempting to alert, intercept and eliminate hostile elements in a secured zone. Presently, FMV is half-way through itsRead… Read more »