
Citizen 2.0 or Client 2.0: The Street-Level Bureaucrat and Engagement 2.0

I started my government career as a street-level bureaucrat. In the summer of 1990 I was a paralegal intern for the Richmond, Kentucky Department of Public Advocacy. This was a public defenders office that covered four counties and my job was to interview the clients that had been arrested and jailed. I would spend theRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Still Left Standing in the Unemployment Line? Six R’s to Reemployment.

2010 is now in the past. If you’ve been out of work for what seems like eternity, I suggest making a few subtle changes to your job search in 2011. Last year I offered up some tips/ideas/suggestions, etc. in my weekly HR=Humans Represent Blogs. This year, I suggest shaking things up a bit – expandRead… Read more »

Rock Star Conditioning: 4 things you can do today to bring out your inner business Rock Star

The start of a New Year for most means time to wax nostalgically on the previous year and set out to embark on the New Year with all kinds of well-meant resolutions for the future. I, like many others, have set audacious goals for myself with every intention of following through and like many othersRead… Read more »

Suicide Prevention and “Doing Something”

MMoldeven San Diego San Diego Comment I was getting well into being an ‘older adult’ during ‘Viet Nam’ working as a civil servant in the IG shop on a major USAF installation in central California. The facility, among its many responsibilities, was to serve as another gateway for Armed Forces to and from Southeast Asia.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up January 14, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda The New York Times reports that our current privacy laws are being obsolesced by the web. Along those lines, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a site that details administration’s plans for trusted online identities. Everyone loves talking about the weather. Now NOAA helps us visualize it. And ifRead… Read more »