
Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson

Redeeming the Tragedy in Tucson Ron Manderscheid, PhD Executive Director, NACBHDD Last weekend, a tragedy of national proportions occurred in Tucson Arizona. Twenty-two-year-old Jared Lee Loughner repeatedly fired a pistol into a group at a Saturday political rally organized by Representative Gabrielle Giffords of the 8th Arizona District. Six people were killed outright, including aRead… Read more »

The The Federal Coach: Leading in Times of Uncertainty: An Interview With the FLRA’s Carol Waller Pope

Carol Waller Pope is the chairmanof the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), which is an independentfederal agency that administers the labor-management relations program for 1.6million federal employees worldwide. Pope is the first FLRA career employee toserve as chairman and has been with the agency since 1980. In this year’s Best Places to Work rankings,the FLRARead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rules #11 “… he not busy being born is busy dying”

Ressler’s Rules #11 “… he not busy being born is busy dying” This particular rule comes from a Bob Dylan song: “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding”) and has been with me most of my adult life. DIGRESSION: The referenced song is (at least to me) one of the most perceptive, influential, and sardonic songsRead… Read more »

The Status Report Puzzle

(Project Performance Management Baseline Reporting) By Randy Tangco, PMP, CSM Abstract When I gave my first project status report, I had a shock. I proudly reported that my project is all green. However, the project sponsor responded by saying, “All green? Are you selling Christmas trees or running a project?” ”What does ‘all green’ mean?”Read… Read more »

DoD Social Media Policy Expires March 1 with No Follow-up. What’s the Impact?

The DoD’s social media policy, titled, “Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-026 – Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based Capabilities” will expire on March 1, 2011. Through discussions with people in DoD, I’ve learned that the stated plan to replace this policy with a long-term Instruction has been shelved indefinitely, and all resources associated with this effortRead… Read more »

Civil Service Hiring in New York State

Civil Service Hiring in New York State This post may be one of the longer ones I’ve written because the hiring process for New York State is so different from the private sector process. It is what I would call a “classic civil service” process, in which networking or personal connections will do absolutely noRead… Read more »

With the NFL playoffs now underway, the annual firing and hiring of coaches has begun. The Dallas Cowboys and Minnesota Vikings were the first teams to make a decision by promoting first-time head coaches to lead their teams. Picking a rookie can be a risk, but for teams wanting to progress forward, their fresh perspectiveRead… Read more »