
Importance of two way Communication(s) and Web 2.0

Yes it is a rather dated story “The firing of Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod” but with the release of USDA and other executive departments emails it certainly would have been, at least somewhat, less painful if everyone involved in the process had taken the time to communicate. Can’t believe that the world would haveRead… Read more »

The Final Hoop – PANIC!

I’m teaching 7 classes this semester, so I have about 100 online students and 50 in the classroom. I’m writing a dissertation. I’m continuing other research – big news – PAR R&R. I have a 2 1/2 year old daughter. I am involved in ridiculous amounts of service. And, this is the time of theRead… Read more »

Increasing “Jointness” and Reducing Duplication in DoD Intelligence

(The views on this blog do not reflect necessarily the views of any client or employer – Dr. Bordeaux is solely responsible for the material posted to this GovLoop blog. This blog should not be considered reflective of an official position on the part of anyone other than John Bordeaux.) When the Secretary of DefenseRead… Read more »

Career Advice: Escaping the Overqualified/Underqualified Cycle

In the Discussions section of GovLoop, a member asks this question: “I am overqualified for the basic entry-level, no experience positions because of education and other skills like languages, programs etc., and underqualified for one step higher positions due to the lack of experience. . . . My questions is how to escape the neverRead… Read more »

E2E: What Can You Expect?

You’ve been hearing a lot lately about the President’s Hiring Reform Initiative but you probably haven’t seen too much of it yet. What can you expect? The “Go Live” date is November 1, 2010. At that point, Federal vacancy announcements must abide to: · Eliminate written essay-style questions (KSAs) · Allow individuals to apply withRead… Read more »

Examples of Gov 2.0 in action in Victorian Government

Case studies showcasing examples of Gov 2.0 in action in Victorian Government available at All of these examples put people at the centre, improving everyday life. We will be adding more examples over time. Let us know about similar initiatives in other jurisdictions as we are keen to learn from others. In the meantime,Read… Read more »

Fellow PMF hopefuls, start your engines…

“Start your engines.” The phrase is on internal repeat this week as I dive headfirst into the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) application. While I’m not a huge NASCAR fan, the phrase seems appropriate, as it is certainly a long competition with the best of the best of graduate and professional level students who share theRead… Read more »