
343 vs 201 series

Which is more versitle, a 343 or a 201? My answer is a 343. It serves as a catch all series. It seems to me that you can learn almost anything while being in this series, which means you will have more career options. While the 201 is an exciting and important series, it is limited toRead… Read more »

The Government Is Hiring™ has been paying attention, and we have the inside scoop on how to crack the code and land a secure rewarding career with the Federal Government. There are hundreds of thousands of job that have been created by the current administration to help deal with the unemployment crises, so their hearts are in theRead… Read more »

20th Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA prohibits, among other things, discrimination in employment by private companies and state and local governments based on an individual’s disability. Under the ADA, employers are required to find ways to accommodate aRead… Read more »

Monitor your brand on the cheap with SocialMention

You know people are chatting about you, your organization, or your brand on social media channels (or you hope they are). The problem is that most organizations cannot afford to spend money on expensive listening platforms and are often left scratching their heads about how best to approach this need without spending money. SocialMention providesRead… Read more »

Federal Hiring Under Expedited Process

The Air Force will try to fill 700 cybersecurity positions under an expedited process. The “Schedule A” approach allows the service to proceed without posting or publicizing positions. Meanwhile, the administration is working to streamline the government’s overall hiring process, which now requires an average of 140 days to hire. “When you think about theRead… Read more »

Tully Rinckey gets Vietnam Vet an increase in benefits

A disabled Vietnam Veteran will now receive an increase in benefits as a result of a ruling by the Merit Systems Protections Board. The Merit Systems Protection Board is an independent, quasi-judicial agency in the Executive branch that serves as the guardian of Federal merit systems. William Barth, a service disabled Vietnam veteran, sent aRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Networking by the Numbers and Offline Opportunities

Facebook has over 500 million people Twitter has around 100 million people LinkedIn has approximately 70 million people Real Life? It has over 6 billion people …so don’t forget where most of the people are! These days plenty of people are busy with their online memberships, but if you’re currently looking for a new jobRead… Read more »

How to Fail at Organizational Change: A Case Study

“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde I am a student of failure because I find failure quite instructive. As a teacher of project management, I extol the effectiveness of project management but I also admit that roughly 30% of all projects are successful in that they fulfilled all the customer’sRead… Read more »

Loukis & Wimmer on Analysing Different Models of Structured Electronic Consultation on Legislation Under Formation

Professor Dr. Euripidis Loukis of the University of the Aegean Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, and Professor Maria Wimmer of Universität Koblenz-Landau Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik, presented a paper entitled Analysing Different Models of Structured Electronic Consultation on Legislation Under Formation, at OD 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation, heldRead… Read more »