
Changing cultural mindset on mapping processes

I am interested in receiving feedback on how to implement the use of process maps throughout an organization. My office has done a great job and we have process maps for every action – these have helped greatly with new hires and we constantly review for changes resulting in higher efficiencies. Other offices within ourRead… Read more »

Getting Social with

Yesterday’s Loudoun Economic Development Commission, Membership and Business Retention Committee (MBRC) meeting officially earned Loudoun, its residents and businesses their “Gov 2.0 street cred” on the Internet. An official Department of Economic Development (DED) strategy, roles and supporting cast are in place, the SEO and website analytics are turned on, the chicklets are published, aRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Survey gives new numbers on teleworking

A new governmentwide survey finds general satisfaction among rank and file federal workers and for the first time gives the government hard numbers on the number of feds who telework. The 2010 Federal Viewpoint Survey, administered by the Office of Personnel Management (the government’s HR office), compiled answers from more than 263,000 Executive branch workers,Read… Read more »