
Privacy News Highlights – March 8th Week

Biometrics CA – Public to be Consulted Before Biometrics Added to Passports Passport Canada has confirmed it will schedule consultations to gather public input before a plan to incorporate biometric technology into passports moves forward. The consultations are expected to begin in early April. Proponents of the plan say biometric passports, which include such dataRead… Read more »

War on Talent? Really?!

I recently read an interesting article on the recession and its effects on an employee’s relationship with their employer. The findings they released last week are thought provoking to say the least. A little about the study – it was a global study (Global Workforce Study from Towers Watson which concluded January 2010) of overRead… Read more »

Is Voting really a measure of success

I watched the People’s Politician over the weekend via the BBC iPlayer and started to think about whether “Voting” was a real measure of success of whether people feel engaged or not? In the episode we saw Ann Widdecombe Conservative MP for Maidstone get given a camera to do her first podcast and the questionRead… Read more »

GBE101: strategies for business development under the social network umbrella

by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiner In the technological hour of 2010 there are so many inroads to business development that just don’t employ legacy plans of action. We now enjoy Pod-casting, Wikis and Wikipedia, Social Networks (SNS), Videographies, Webinars, SlideShares, YouTube videos, TelePresence, inVirtual communications, etc. Add to this laundry list of newRead… Read more »

GBE101: economic woes and the consignment promises of tomorrow

Work for fee – not free. by Donna L. Quesinberry Government Business Examiners 2009 had to be the worst year ever for economic woes in federal contracts. The Government Business Examiner in talking with numerous industry experts has learned that many consultants and businesses experienced a tough market climate during the past year, but everyoneRead… Read more »