
OPM’s Berry blasts Washington Times editorial on federal pay

Office of Personnel Director John Berry blasted a Friday Washington Times editorial critical of the federal pay system and bonus system. The newspaper criticized the 2.4 percent annual pay raise workers earned earlier this year and $285 million in incentive payments to keep employees from retiring or transferring to other agencies. “The left shrieks aboutRead… Read more »

Plain Language Anyone?

How much attention do the various nooks and crannies within our sprawling organism called “government” pay to writing, speaking, posting, or tweeting in plain language? During the interviews that resulted in my becoming a technical writer/editor with ATF, one hiring decision maker stressed that one of my tasks would be to “show [the department] howRead… Read more »

GovReads: “Achieving Project Management Success in the Federal Government”

A few years ago, I (Andrew Krzmarzick – the guy behind Dr. GovLoop) obtained my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. It’s a grueling process, and I have a lot of respect for others who have taken the time to gain this credential. While there are tons of books written on the subject, very few (ifRead… Read more »

How to Find / Hire Federal IT Sales Person

Can anyone point me in the right direction for hiring an IT salesperson for Federal market. I need someone in the DC area that has experience with IT sales, specifically Cabling Installation, Low Voltage, Data Center buildout, Security Systems. Help if you can point me in right direction.

there are no new ideas

Having just joined govloop this past week, I have been thinking about what I would share here. Today, after a meeting with Bowen Moran (@bxmx) and my colleague Devin Serink (@dserink), I have a bit more direction. As a short introduction I am a consultant working with the City of Edmonton. I used to workRead… Read more »

Does Increasing Government Transparency Help or Hurt Professional and Trade Associations?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Does increasing government transparency help or hurt professional and trade associations? Here are two answers: 1. Government Transparency Helps Associations. By making government actions more visible to the public, the need for specialized associations of individuals and organizations is increased because: Groups with specialized knowledge are more able than membersRead… Read more »

Privacy and The Thousand Tiny Knives

In privacy management, it’s the major data breaches that grab the big headlines. In personal brand management, it’s the high profile embarrassments resulting from carelessness, ignorance and poor judgment that capture public attention. Janine Krieber, Nathalie Blanchard, Stephen Fry, Tiger Woods… who’ll be next? Not you, certainly. For most of us, risks to our privacyRead… Read more »

Database can Crack Missing Person Cases?

The Associated Press had a story this past Sunday regarding an online database (NamUs) that “promises to crack some of the nation’s 100,000 missing persons cases and provide answers to desperate families.” That’s some database! On further reading it becomes evident that the database isn’t really going to crack anything. How disappointing. Contrary to popularRead… Read more »