
An Approach to Accessibility

As you may have heard last week, Google announced that they have added ‘Auto-Captions’ for all videos on YouTube. Google’s hope is to increase its user base and has chosen to focus its attention on accessibility with hopes that users with certain disabilities will leverage the site and find it useful. The reality is thatRead… Read more »

The five core values of public administration

Core values is a broad phrase to describe the standards by which we characterize a person, profession, or organization. Throughout the course of brainstorming and analyzing my professional experience, I have settled on a set of five values that are most important in public administration. In order to achieve success at a personal and organizationalRead… Read more »

Self perpetuating system

Read the job duties listed for various postings under America Job – the Govt. Job Search Report. The text is mind numbing and will likely discourage those with energy, enthusiasm and initiative from pursuing jobs with the federal government. Those who do enter may be quickly worn down by the slow pace of change, admonitionsRead… Read more »

Institutions Versus Collaboration

I watched a great TED talk on youtube by Clay Shirky called “Institutions versus Collaboration.” The link was forwarded to me by Mark Horowitz, who is working to introduce wiki technology at the Millennium Challenge Corporation and wanted to learn about USAID’s experience with Developedia. The Shirky talk is from 2005, but the issues raisedRead… Read more »

Colin and Alma Powell take on the high school dropout challenge, and then answer the question, “Why do you serve?”

Former Secretary of State, and retired Army General, Colin Powell and Mrs. Alma Powell hit the airwaves last week discussing their hopes and work to keep more kids in school. They spoke of a challenge and their reasons for taking it on, but as I watched the interview, I couldn’t help but think that weRead… Read more »

Tech Expo Top Secret: Career Fairs THIS WEEK – 3/9 BWI, MD & 3/10 Tysons Corner, VA

Hundreds of job opportunities are available this March! Bring many resumes and interview for your new career in information technology, engineering, aerospace, telecom, project management, intelligence, operations, homeland security, research & more at TECHEXPO Top Secret’s March job fairs. Tuesday, March 9, 10am – 3pm BWI Marriott 1743 West Nursery Rd. Baltimore, MD 21090 (410)Read… Read more »

CLAIMS OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT FILED BY MEN HAVE DOUBLE IN LAST TWO DECADES (WASHIGNTON) – According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment claims filed by men have doubled since 1990. While women still file the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment claims the increase in complaints by men has risen from 8 percent of all complaints in 1990 to 16 percent of all claims inRead… Read more »

Quick! Call 911 to get the 411 on 311

There is a lot of discussion about the need for governments to become more open, more transparent, sharing data with citizens. 311 services, anything considered non-critical services, are getting a lot of publicity now with Washington DC and San Francisco making big public splashes around their open 311 efforts. Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO, said thisRead… Read more »