
Why telework will never work on snow days

Oh the stories that have emerged about Federal employee’s week off during snowpocalyse. The comments on Mike Causey’s recent story about the snow and telework sum up the issue. While OPM provides guidance on telework during Government closure, OPM also clearly states “…non-emergency employees (including employees on pre-approved paid leave) will be granted excused absenceRead… Read more »

Early Registration is Open for Gov 2.0 Expo

Just a quick note to let everyone know that early registration is now open for Gov 2.0 Expo, happening May 25-27, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center in DC. Gov 2.0 Expo will be the technology event for 21st Century government, giving government employees and contractors access to the practical tools, in-depth training, and industryRead… Read more »

Sole Source is Out, RFP is in. But I’m still annoyed.

For those who are waiting with bated breath, I have an update on the Navy’s requirement “to develop an internal social networking community relevant to service members in a military environment.” I have heard through the grapevine that because two other companies asked to be added to the list of Interested Vendors, the Navy hasRead… Read more »

Progress in Afghanistan Contract Oversight; Measured Optimism

From The Acquisition Corner I recently wrote a piece for contract management improvements in reconstruction and nation-building initiatives. Updates were provided by Senator Claire McCaskill, (D-Mo), who is completing an overseas trip, including Afghanistan, and stated she was encouraged by what she saw in Afghanistan. During the trip, auditors told McCaskill oversight agencies are workingRead… Read more »

You Can’t Separate the ‘Social’ from Social Media

This post originally appeared in Federal Computer Week on Feb. 17, 2010. With all the media coverage of internal, behind-the-firewall social — excuse me, professional — networking platforms, such as NASA’s Spacebook, the Defense Department’s milBook and even my company’s internal tool, one might think we’re in the midst of fundamentally changing the way weRead… Read more »

National Export Initiative: Boon for US Exporters

President Obama’s State of the Union address last month yielded a windfall for those companies who earn their way in foreign trade, and for those federal agencies who support their cause. The goals of our new National Export Initiative include doubling American exports over the next five years and supporting up to two million jobsRead… Read more »

Meet Sam: a Cleared Job Fair job seeker with an active security clearance seeking new career opportunities

Meet Sam. Sam is a security cleared job seeker living in Northern Viginia who has attended numerous job fairs beyond our own in the past 15 months. When we met him at our past Cleared Job Fair on January 21, 2010 at the Westin Dulles, Sam was one of the very first job seekers toRead… Read more »

But we’re Facebook Friends, don’t You Trust Me?

I found this great little article though a Linkedin group I belong to on the decline of trust across news and information sources, including social media. Right off the bat as I read, “The Social Impact of Friendships and Lies” I thought to myself: is trust in social media breaking down, or are we gettingRead… Read more »