
US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 2 of 4

Spending More, Getting Less — The Public System Because of their identity as government programs, societal scepticism about the US government’s ability to manage efficiently, and the relative reduction of power and status allotted to the primary recipients of public health care (the poor and elderly), Medicare and Medicaid are often the target of spendingRead… Read more »

The Death of SDLC

The basic methodology used to implement many systems today still follows the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which was developed to aide technical development of computer code. Organizations today recognize that SDLC does not adequately address the organizational and human performance challenges that are critical to ensuring IT success. It is time to move beyondRead… Read more »

Have You Ever Participated in Creating a Better World, One Couch At A Time?

I recollect being introduced to the interesting CouchSurfing Project at last spring’s DC Gov 2.0 Uncamp. I first heard of this hospitality network while watching a social media documentary that took viewers into a month in the life of a first time American couchsurfer visiting London. I was instantly fascinated by the concept. CouchSurfing’s missionRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Federal workers get delayed start Tuesday

Federal agencies in the Washington area will open two hours later than normal Tuesday, the Office of Personnel Management said Monday night. Federal workers may take unscheduled leave, OPM added. Those who elect to take unscheduled time off for the entire workday must notify their supervisor of the decision. Emergency employees must report regardless ofRead… Read more »

Politics and technology reporter Kim Hart on the telecom battles in Washington this year.

Thought GovLoop fans might be interested in this TechView interview I did with Kim Hart recently back. Kim used to cover technology and government for the Washington Post, but has recently moved over to cover technology and Washington for The Hill a D.C.-based newspaper (with on-line updates) that covers politics. She gives you a senseRead… Read more »

Oversight of Contracting Needs To Be Overhauled In Rebuilding Efforts

From The Acquisition Corner As the devastation unfolds in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, it is clear that rebuilding the country will be one of the greatest nation-building exercises ever undertaken. To that end, federal agencies have started turning to contractors to support the missions of recovery and relief, and ultimately, reconstruction. WhatRead… Read more »

As the government increases its hires, this will be a great group to add to your list of contacts – Young Government Leaders (YGL)

As the government increases its hires, this will be a great group to add to your list of contacts – Young Government Leaders (YGL). YGL is a professional organization of men and women employed by the government who are “young” in their service and/or “fresh” in their perspective. Our mission is to educate, inspire, andRead… Read more »

IPMA Raffle Supports Clinton Bush Haiti Fund – Original Stained Glass Panel for Haitian Relief

Rockville, MD – 2/10/2010 – Artist and Executive Coach Bruce Ervin Wood recently donated one of his unique pieces of stained glass art to the International Public Management Association – Human Resources, Montgomery County Chapter. The Chapter’s members lead human resources and organizational development functions for the Department of Heath and Human Services (HHS), theRead… Read more »

I want to refer the GovLoop community to TechView, a new web site/blog that I am hosting

It’s called Focus Washington TechView, and it’s goal is to explore the intersection of government, technology, and policy (not politics, but policy with a small “p”). It is mostly video interviews with DC-based tech reporters, tech industry luminaries who are doing interesting things (we did an interview recently with a telecom guy who lead aRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: OPM chief John Berry defends Friday work decision

Despite a difficult Friday commute for many federal workers, Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry defended his decision to keep federal offices open Friday, saying safety and government operations are the only factors he considers when making such decisions. “The decision is never based on 100 percent perfection,” Berry said in an interview FridayRead… Read more »