
Social Networking Lessons for Building Local Communities

A city’s sustainability and stability relies on an active, engaged, and innovative population. But local government was never structured to address this social aspect of community even though many expect it to do so. Instead, as Tim O’Reilly said in this video, government is like a vending machine, “we pay our taxes and out comeRead… Read more »

Are you an innovator interested in the application of the OGD in your organization?

That sounds similar to fishing doesn’t it? The waters of the Government are vast. The Federal Wave has created a main wave for collaboration on plan development to happen during the next 120 days; it is nice to know who innovators and those interested in creating are in terms of a shared vision for OGDRead… Read more »

Hiring and Firing Government Employees

I am pleased to announce the publication of my new book, “The Complete Guide to Hiring and Firing a Government Employee,” – Stew Liff

Best of GovLoop 2009: 10+ Tremendous Groups

At this time of year, everyone’s offering their reflections on a few of their favorite things from the past twelve months. In that same seasonal spirit, GovLoop has ventured into the vaults to discover the best of 2009. We picked (at least!) a baker’s dozen for best groups (below), and we’d like to get yourRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Ruin Your Resume

I subscribe to a list serve called BNET which sends me a daily digest of all the interesting things going on in the business world. Today there was an article titled “What Not to Do: 7 Ways to Ruin Your Resume” by Hillary Chura. I wish I could take credit for putting these sevenRead… Read more »

5 Surefire Ideas for Contract Professionals to Improve Job Hunting

This post gives you innovative ideas for getting a job in the contracts field. Even if you aren’t looking for a job, these ideas can help improve your reputation. Charlie Hoehn put together an e-book for getting a job in any field. Simply put, it is one of the most brilliant pieces of writing I’veRead… Read more »

Evolving Definitions of Mental Illness and Wellness

Manderscheid RW et al. – Understanding of the definitions of wellness and illness has changed from the mid–20th century to modern times, moving from a diagnosis–focused to a person–focused definition of mental illnesses, and from an “absence of disease” model to one that stresses positive psychological function for mental health. Currently, wellness refers to theRead… Read more »