
Now PR & Social Commerce.

Are you getting the buzz on the street real-time from Social Context? I propose to my fellow GovLoopers, PR professionals and academia a need to examine and discuss the gap between our traditional media, journalism and public communication training and practices with an opportunity to strategically plan for the concept of Nowism or better yetRead… Read more »

Southern Africa: Story Behind the Eyes

I’m reposting this story in honor of World AIDs Day today. Growing up as a kid in Texas, I remember trick-or-treating for UNICEF, an organization that helps at -risk children in developing countries. We collected donations instead of candy. All that seems so long ago. UNICEF never went away. At-risk children never went away. PerhapsRead… Read more »

Remarks of OPM Director John Berry at Human Capital Management Forum

From November 17, 2009, 8:15AM Hello! It’s great to be here with all of you at the Human Capital Management Forum. Thank you, Mike Causey, for the kind introduction. It’s a great time for all of us to be serving as Federal HR professionals because we’re at a moment of historic opportunity. Historic opportunityRead… Read more »

How-To: Cut and Post Your Podcast in Pieces (for Free)

A few weeks ago, we featured the Armed With Science podcast as the GovLoop Project of the Week. Since I am located in Durham, NC, and the team was based in our nation’s capitol, I conducted the interview using Talkshoe, a web-based tool like BlogTalkRadio (the preferred podcast tool of ArmedWithScience and Gov 2.0 Radio).Read… Read more »

Hiding evidence of global cooling

By THE WASHINGTON TIMES Scientific progress depends on accurate and complete data. It also relies on replication. The past couple of days have uncovered some shocking revelations about the baloney practices that pass as sound science about climate change. It was announced Thursday afternoon that computer hackers had obtained 160 megabytes of e-mails from theRead… Read more »

Code for America hopes to give dot-gov some caché

Coming out of last week’s Web 2.0 Expo in New York City, the industry buzz was focused on the usual – cloud computing, social networking, and what to do with the latest Google innovation. But one catchy hook caught the ears of a few reporters: dot-gov is the new dot-com. One project announced during theRead… Read more »

The Balancing Act

As I watch my boys, ages thirteen and eleven, grow up I wonder if I have balanced my time well between my work life and my personal life. Have I given them the parenting they need? My wife and I believe that we need to build our sons up to be well rounded individuals soRead… Read more »

Team J – Perceptive Software Benchmarking experience

On November 17, 2009, Team J from the Executive Potential Program (EPP) of the Graduate School had the unique experience of visiting with Perceptive Software – rated as one of Kansas City’s Best Places to Work for five times making them one of only three Kansas City companies to receive the Kansas City Business JournalRead… Read more »