
Why Does Anybody Play Chess?!!

So there’s this little chess gadget, wherein a user can play a computer opponent… I have probably played a thousand times on the “easy” level and I have won exactly one time. And yet, I keep trying…. In frustration I rhetorically blustered “Why on earth does anybody play this game?!!!” Really, sometimes the computer beatsRead… Read more »

Seattle – FYI – Data Position – National Child Welfare role

I came across this – and, if you are qualified, it is a great role and a great organization. Casey Family Programs, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is a national operating foundation that provides and improves—and ultimately prevents the need for—foster care. We are currently looking for a Systems Improvement Advisor with a focus on dataRead… Read more »

Woohoo for Govloopers Who are Microlending!

Last February, thanks to Craig Newmark (of, I discovered, a site that lets you lend very small amounts to startup businesses in developing countries. So I started a group here at GovLoop and posted an explanation. I’m ecstatic to report that the GovLoop group now has 70 members, 26 of whom have madeRead… Read more »

Do you love your job?

I sent this link to my son, knowing he would enjoy it: Cactus Flight 1549 Accident Reconstruction (US Airways) “The NTSB released the public docket for Flight 1549 on June 9, 2009. The docket contains a wealth of information that can be utilized in a full 3D reconstruction of the accident. Our work goes deepRead… Read more »

“B” Wowed and “B”edazzeled at CERNER!

Dear Readers, Today we were given the unique opportunity of visiting Cerner Corporation a healthcare solutions company. The presentation of the CERNER Associates was designed to bedazzle the customer from the moment she walked into their building until she left. The company is noted for being one of the most innovative companies in the industry.Read… Read more »

4 Best Practices for Fighting Phishing Attacks

by Sophicity Phishing is a form of fraud that masquerades as an official email or website which attempts to steal a victim’s username, password, and other information. Typically, a scammer will send an email that appears to be from a well-known bank, asking the user to log in to their account. When the victim clicksRead… Read more »

Mentoring in a Flash

Mentoring is one of the most effective professional and career development options available for people. A major challenge for mentoring, however, is the lack of available time (or perceived lack of time) on the part of potential mentors to participate. A solution? How about mentoring in a flash. Flash mentoring is a one-time meeting orRead… Read more »

In the Navy: Another Accountability Model in the Age of Golden Parachutes

As commanding officer of a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, Captain David Dykhoff had one of the most prestigious jobs in the Navy. But despite his superlative record, it only took one incident to end his career. When one sailor aboard his ship lit a cigarette in an unauthorized area and caused a fire, Captain DykhoffRead… Read more »