
Knowledge@Wharton: Information Security: Why Cybercriminals are Smiling

Hardly a week goes by without some new internet security snafu being reported. And with web usage exploding, expect to hear about a lot more. According to a new analysis from Forrester Research, the number of Internet users is forecast to grow 45% globally over the next four years, reaching 2.2 billion by 2013. MoreRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: New Report Calls for Improvements to Senior Executive Service

The Senior Executive Service is broken, mired in tired bureaucratic traditions and failing to attract top talent from outside government, according to a lengthy review of the ranks of the government’s elite managers by two outside organizations. The report, from the good-government group Partnership for Public Service and the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, willRead… Read more »

Time-in-Grade Still Stands the Test of Time

By Joyce Ceconi Originally Posted to Unleash the Monster During your career, have you ever had the sentiment you have not been in your position long enough to be considered for a promotion? Many federal government employees and hiring managers have long struggled with this very issue—the time-in-grade requirement. The Office of Personnel Management isRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of Week: The BIG Experience

‘The BIG Experience’ is a weekly radio broadcast sponsored by Blacks in Government (BIG) that airs every Thursday at 11a ET. The show is designed to address a variety of issues that affect government employees at the Federal, state and local levels and to inform the overall community of scheduled events with the African-American andRead… Read more »

Do Government Agencies Need Viral Video Response Teams?

“On Easter Sunday in a small mountain town, the intentionally playful actions of two employees quickly became a worldwide marketing nightmare for a large company franchise. A slow workday at Domino’s Pizza in Conover, N.C. prompted this duo to create videos showing a male sticking cheese up his nose and then putting it on aRead… Read more »

AUVSI 2009 Interviews and recap if interested

By: Ted Kelly-Ventresca The World’s Largest Collection of Robots and Other Unmanned Systems Hardware at Washington Convention Center, 10-13 August 2009 was an overwhelming success. The AUVSI ( me unprecedented access to talk to the creative minds and companies responsible for the Information Technology that drives the future of battlefield, battle space and homeland securityRead… Read more »

How to Build a Bigger and Better Referral Business

Commit to Your Clients Committing to your clients shows them that they are #1. Assure them that their needs are paramount. This will take care of the majority of the referral work. Explain Your Business Explain to your clients what your business entails. Let them know that you are own a referral-based business, and thatRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Obama Targets Backlog Of Veterans’ Claims

The Obama administration is calling once again on federal employees to submit ideas on improving government services. This time, it is targeting the amount of time and effort it takes to process veterans’ disability benefits. The number of unresolved disability claims has soared this year, prompting protests from veterans groups and members of Congress. TheRead… Read more »

Member of Week: Lovisa Williams, Department of State

LOVISA WILLIAMS: GOVLOOP MEMBER OF THE WEEK (and general rockstar) By Andy Krzmarzick Few people in the Government 2.0 space are focusing on the international aspects of social media, such as what we can learn from other countries that are implementing and how it can be used to bridge geographical and cultural divides. Enter LovisaRead… Read more »