
Federal Eye: OPM Keeps Time-in-Grade, at Least for Now

The Obama administration has decided to keep the “time-in-grade rule,” meaning ambitious federal employees will have to slow their plans to climb the career ladder. The policy requires federal employees in General Schedule grades 5 and above to work 52 weeks in their current grade before consideration for promotion. In Tuesday’s editions of the FederalRead… Read more »

Survive and Thrive: How to Solve any Cash Crisis

Surviving in a recession can be taxing. This blog is intended to help you thrive, even in this economic state. Make a list of financial problem areas in your business Nuff said.. Putting your problems on paper helps to de-clutter the information from your brain. This will make you a more efficient business owner. OrganizeRead… Read more »

Breaking Down the Numbers

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster No doubt about it, unemployment numbers in the United States are at an all time high. With over 14 million people unemployed, there are more than 3 million jobs that employers are actively recruiting for but so far have been unable to fill. Obviously, there is a disconnect. ThereRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review: 8/02 – 8/08

Interesting Gov 2.0 tweets and stories from August 2-8, 2009 Gov20Radio discussed the challenges of turning from strict hierarchies to collaborative culture with Gwynne Kostin, a federal new media practitioner at DHS and publisher of the blog “On Dot-Gov.” Listen here. ~~~~~~~ Last week, Wired’s Danger Room reported that the U.S. DoD is considering banningRead… Read more »

AG’ s Rural Development Steps to the plate and hits “Home”runs!

Rural Development has good news for a nation struggling to believe in the “American Dream” again. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding and USDA’s Rural Development provided 50,000 guaranteed home loans to folks who were turned away by conventional sources. Reinvesting in the “American Dream” is a solid step in the recovery of ourRead… Read more »


In this dark time of economic downturn I keep reading that many folks are not travelling. They are taking “staycations”. This is where they take their vacation leave and just stay home or do day-trips around their region to save money. If that is your thing, then ok, but really, travel can be done withoutRead… Read more »

Do you monitor social media conversations about your department?

Republished from eGov AU. As a marketer I find the internet a dream channel for monitoring customer sentiment and concerns. Social media and search engines can be easily and cheaply tracked to provide fast feedback on various initiatives. This helps organisations shape their campaigns and responses to external events. I’d recommend that this is equallyRead… Read more »