
Social Media and the Changing Role of Government (from

I was interviewed by an interesting website called OurBlook this week. I’m sharing the text of the interview with GovLoopers as I’d welcome any feedback or comments on my perspective. I always find these questions on trends, etc. to be difficult and open to a lot of interpretation. Lately, I’ve been more concerned with tacticalRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy and Knowledge Management

(The following was originally posted as a response to a Discussion List topic on Social Media Policy in FS Communications, a GovLoop Group) I have been entertaining a thought that is pertinent to this direct topic, but also to the entire landscape of knowledge and information management. The key word in that phrasing is “management,”Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: $100 Million in Savings, Pinch by Pinch

Remember back in April when President Obama ordered the Cabinet to come up with $100 million in costs savings? And remember when critics blasted the plan as too little too late? Government penny-pinchers have found a way to save $102 million this fiscal year and another $140 million during fiscal year 2010. The solution? InstallRead… Read more »

UPDATE: OGI Conference “TweetBook” (First Ever!) Coming Together – Help?

Hi again, Folks! Several of us (me, Marie Crandell, Pam Broviak, Roberta Croll, Nichole Uiterwijk, Helen Ortel, etc.) have spent the last couple days working on what I believe will be the first-ever “TweetBook” (at least from a government conference!). Here’s how it looks at the moment (not too shabby, eh?!): OGITweetBook – OverallMock-Up.doc WhatRead… Read more »