
Web 2.0 Working Group Charter

For those of you that read my last post on our new Social Media Policy, here’s the companion document that describes the duties and responsibilities expected from the peer oversight group, obliquely named the “Web 2.0 Working Group.” We’re hoping a more creative name for the group will emerge in time, but for now maybeRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Best Places to Work: HQ vs. Regional Offices

It’s certainly true of journalists and in all types of other professions, but this week’s Best Places to Work data definitely confirms that some federal employees much prefer toiling in the field rather than working at headquarters. Sarah Palin Take EPA for example: two of its regional offices, in San Francisco and Philadelphia, rank amongRead… Read more »

Focusing on Acquisition Reform: Workforce First

The much anticipated Smart Contracting Caucus met this week for the first time since being created over a year ago by former House Oversight and Government Reform ranking member Tom Davis, (R-VA). The intent of the Caucus was to consider thoughtful federal procurement reform by having a type of 360-review of issues facing the contractingRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Tweets – Monday May 18th

ashban : @tericee RT:@Podkeyne: Interoperability demo at AFCEA Solutions Interagency, Allied and Coalition Information Sharing-Disaster Mngt booth AFCEAHelen : Renuart: Security and access don’t compete with one another, they need to complement one another. #afcea #afceasol AFCEAHelen : Renuart: My coalition village has about 120ish flags flying in it. #afcea #afceasol signalmag : Tune intoRead… Read more »

Acquisition Reform Foundations: People First and Fast

As acquisition reform initiatives move forward in Congress, specifically with the House following the Senate in passing their defense acquisition reform bill, personnel issues continue to be at the forefront of discussions and focus on reform initiatives. Of course it goes without saying that the announcement to bring 20,000 acquisition positions in house at theRead… Read more »

Web 2.0/Gov 2.0 Lunch-n-Learn – Part 2

A while ago I posted some questions and an outline for a Lunch-n-Learn training that I will be presenting regarding Web 2.0 / Gov 2.0. First, I want to thank all of those that replied with information, presentations of their own, and resources. Next, I would like to ask for more assistance from everyone. BelowRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: John Sporing, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

John Sporing: Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts formerly at the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) I’m starting to like having themes for my interviews. Last time, it was sunshine, and what better way to personify sunshine than with an interview w/ Anita Arile….if only I had interviewed her in her beloved island ofRead… Read more »

Wayman Tisdale, 1964-2009

Wayman Tisdale lost a two-year battle yesterday with colon cancer. He was universally loved by everyone. And I mean everyone… even rival coaches. Billy Tubbs recruited Tisdale to Oklahoma… Tisdale was the kid everyone wanted. He was Blake Griffin way before Blake Griffin. He was only 44 years old and had transitioned to his secondRead… Read more »