
Episode 13: 2 Guys Unleashed

In this episode, we get MAIL!!! Four people wrote in to tell us we suck – but it’s all good. The police in Canada need your help in finding a homicide suspect – see the video. We give shout-outs to 2 lucky CopsOnline members, and talk about how to kill terrorists without firing a shot.Read… Read more »

Open Source Software in the US Gov and Military

Open means having access. In the Dept. of Defense we need to ensure/create/enable open access to tax-payer funded technology, period. Tax-payer funded software development needs to be openly available to all (except for really classified stuff). This means that we will need to figure out the acquisitions mechanisms needed to ensure that the intellectual propertyRead… Read more »

To the Heart of the matter.

Hi Everyone, I am new here and not sure, of any guidelines for the blogs, so I hope you will put up with me. I got some news the other day that made me think about my life a career, and for whatever reason I thought I would share it here, maybe for some self-therapy.Read… Read more »


[My buddies Rich Schumaker, Mack Pettigrew and I have one of the longest running podcasts out there dealing with police and tech issues. It’s humorous and fun – give it a listen.] COPCAST EPISODE 105 – LOOKING FOR LOVE Now that we have the holidays behind us the next big challenge will be making itRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week

Living in DC during inauguration weekend can be a bit challenging, although extremely exciting as well. For an Arizonian like myself, going outside in 10 degree weather (0 degrees with the windshield) is more than challenging, it’s torture! At any rate, in thinking about whom I would interview for GovLoop, the choice was pretty easy.Read… Read more »

Cops 2.0

I want to tell you about a really cool site that is being built and looks like it is going to be a great tool! Go to: You will find resources that are helpful to departments that want to go to the next level. The fact is that modern law enforcement will utilize theseRead… Read more »