
Nominations for the Arthur S. Flemming Award for Exceptional Service

Good Morning – Forums and blogs on Govloop often focus on career folks who are using innovative technologies to move the federal government forward. Here is an opportunity to have those individuals and their work highlighted across the federal government. The purpose of the Arthur S. Flemming Award in honoring outstanding career civil service menRead… Read more »

Is e-government a dangerous enthusiasm?

Yes, according to the conclusion reached by Gauld, Goldfinch and Dale* after a number of e-government case studies in New Zealand and a survey of wider literature. And it is an interesting judgement in case of New Zealand, a country with 4 million population, but well advanced in e-government. By mid-1990s most New Zealand governmentRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Napolitano Faces Contracting Challenges at DHS

Gov. Janet Napolitano (D-Ariz.) is President-elect Barack Obama’s choice to serve as secretary of homeland security. Should she be nominated and confirmed, she faces challenges well beyond border security, airport security and collective bargaining rights for TSA employees. A new report by the General Accountability Office issued yesterday demonstrates that the department still lacks theRead… Read more »

Joe the Senator

So the vote is in and it looks as if Joe Lieberman will keep his chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. Of course he loses his seat on the Environment and Public Works Committee. I’m not sure yet how I feel about this. Lieberman, like anyone, should be allowed to support anyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Nov. 18, 2008

Good morning! Alan Parson’s “Eye in The Sky” kicks us off today. Perhaps appropriate today since President Bush will announce his plans to ease holiday air traffic congestion during a speech at the Transportation Department. Leave your Eye-themed humor or pop culture suggestions in the comments section below. In other news… Burrowing: “Just weeks beforeRead… Read more »

FACA 2.0: Social MEdia and the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the Art of the Possible

I’m the Executive Secretary of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC). FACA is a fabulous idea, with the goal of keeping the public aware of what’s going on in their governemnt, but the rules are antiquated and mired in bureaucratic. The bottom line is that it’s not nimble enough to deal with the rapidRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: The Plum Book: How Do I Apply For a Job?

Following yesterday’s rolling coverage of the Plum Book, a few (newly!) loyal readers have asked how one goes about applying for a job listed in the Plum Book. The Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, responsible for the book’s publication, suggests you: 1.) Contact your representative or senator if you’re applying for the highestRead… Read more »

A Patriot’s Reading List

No matter which side of the political fence you’re on, these books should prove engaging and enlightening, not to mention pertinent to our time. (If you are uber pro-Bush then you might enjoy the Fareed Zakaria and Reza Aslan books more than the more lefty works). This is just a small collection of some thatRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: The Plum Book: Cool Jobs

After picking up his copy of the Plum Book just after 10 a.m., The Eye has decamped to an undisclosed location near the Government Printing Office to begin scouring for interesting tidbits. With more than 7,210 jobs listed, it’s quite a task. More than 4,000 of the positions were non-competitively filled by the Bush administrationRead… Read more »

Veterans Day 2008

Veterans Day 2008 Some thought provoking quotes for this special day. The moon gives you light, And the bugles and the drums give you music, And my heart, O my soldiers, my veterans, My heart gives you love. Walt Whitman All of us who served in one war or another know very well that allRead… Read more »